Must See Moments



Dana talks with the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow in health care policy at the Hoover Institution – and Special Advisor to President Trump as a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force: Dr. Scott W. Atlas. (@ScottWAtlas) on the failed leadership from some of the government bureaucrats like Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci during his time advising President Trump, and the obvious failures (and overreach) today during Biden’s administration.

Twitter Attacks Citizen Journalism

Twitter Attacks Citizen Journalism

Twitter’s new policy puts a muzzle on independent journalism and will increase corporate censorship more than we’ve ever seen before. Twitter is no longer a public square according to this new policy so how does that factor into section 230 exemptions FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr joined Dana to break it all down.

MUST SEE: Watch an Exclusive Preview of ‘LIFE AFTER CORONA’ Now

MUST SEE: Watch an Exclusive Preview of ‘LIFE AFTER CORONA’ Now

Will America Ever Get Back to ‘Normal’ or this a Permanent Pandemic? For nearly 2-years our lives have been turned upside down by COVID. Quarantines, masks, vaccines, and now boosters. We all want to get back to normal. But will ‘normal’ ever return?

Has COVID -and our government’s response to it- killed some of our most cherished societal icons and rituals? Are we entering a world that only bears a resemblance to the one before the virus?

The Tyranny of Coronavirus

The Tyranny of Coronavirus

A federal judge issued a preliminary injunction yesterday to halt the start of President Biden’s national vaccine mandate for health care workers, which had been set to begin next week. Florida Congressman Brian Mast has been on the front lines of this fight and joined Dana to discuss what this means for workers everywhere