Must See Moments



Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevera was evil, and the people who extolled him as a revolutionary martyr during his reign of terror — and who idolize him even now — can be described only as idiots. Or, as author and Cuban exile Humberto Fontova writes, “useful idiots” (a term coined by Communist Vladimir Lenin, used to describe the stupid masses who embraced Soviet ideology). In this history-breaking special, Jesse Kelly and the foremost expert on Che, Mr. Fontova, expose the wretched, blood-thirsty cultural icon who thought nothing of shooting a pregnant woman in the stomach, and who still holds sway in Hollywood and among dopey Leftists in Che T-shirts.

Big Tech censorship at it again

Big Tech censorship at it again

Although Twitter makes the most headlines when it comes to big tech censorship, it is not the only place where conservatives are being silenced.
According to Citizens United, Satellite TV giant Direct TV is refusing to air advertisements for their latest documentary which exposes how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg influenced the 2020 election.