Must See Moments

Beethoven goes woke

Beethoven goes woke

Not even 19th century composers are safe from wholeness. The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra has announced it is replacing the lyrics of “Ode To Joy” in Beethoven’s 9th symphony with a woke poem by a hip hop artist. Fellow at the Manhattan Institute Heather Mac Donald explains how wokeness is vandalizing high-culture.

Global Communist Plot EXPOSED

Global Communist Plot EXPOSED

What is the World Economic Forum, and why should we care? The WEF and its ranking elite are the reason our lives have been turned upside down. Until recently, its doings were covered almost exclusively by business media. We’d hear about the G7, G8, G20, and Davos — but the stories were abstract…distant. When Covid authoritarians began crushing dissent with an assault on science and liberty, the handiwork of this supranational cabal revealed itself. Jesse Kelly and panel will expose the power structure, tactics and strategy of these malevolent globalists, as well as their long-game towards global communism. It’s terrible and EVIL — which is why you must pay attention to this special episode.



Over a year into the presidency of Joe Biden and America’s border crisis continues to get worse. Between policies that fail to discourage illegal entry and inept leadership from so-called border czar, Vice President Kamala Harris, the White House appears unwilling or unable to take the issue seriously. In this special edition of Hold The Line, Buck looks at America’s ongoing migrant surge, and how the Biden administration has failed in its obligation to secure America’s southern border.