THE AGE OF A.I. (Special)
THE AGE OF A.I. (Special)
Chances are you’ve been starting to hear about things like ChatGPT or OpenAI. You may be an expert, or you may have no idea where to begin. No matter what your degree of knowledge is, Mike Slater is on a mission to educate the masses about Artificial Intelligence, because it’s guaranteed to be a part of our lives in the not-so-distant future. Mike brings in A.I. experts to break down the societal and spiritual impacts of this new technology.
Drug Cartels Should Be In The Terror Category – Bill O’Reilly
Drug Cartels Should Be In The Terror Category – Bill O’Reilly
21 States have called on President Joe Biden to label Mexican Drug Cartels as Terrorist Organizations. They’re just as deadly and right on America’s doorstep. Bill explains why this is the right move.
Spy Balloon: Biden’s Response Made U.S. Look Weak
Spy Balloon: Biden’s Response Made U.S. Look Weak
President Joe Biden has been given an ‘F’ for the way he handled the Chinese Spy Balloon. The majority of Americans believe he should have acted sooner, and they are correct. Plus, Bill shares some scary job loss numbers that may send the U.S. into a recession.
Will Hunter Biden Take Down His Father?
Will Hunter Biden Take Down His Father?
The House Oversight Committee is gearing up to investigate whether or not, then Vice President Joe Biden, benefited financially from his grifter son Hunter. The last thing those people controlling the President want him to do, is sit down and answer tough questions. President Biden sat down with PBD’s Judy Woodruff for a softball interview. Bill share one question and answer that stood out from the rest.
Does it ever feel like the world is collapsing? With everything politicized, it’s hard to escape from the woke antics of American society. Where do these woke ideas develop and how do they make their way through society? Jesse Kelly discusses with behavioral scientist Gad Saad. Surviving Woke America also means persevering through fear. What’s the next big scare coming to America? Zuby joins Jesse with a preview and advice on how to make it through. Plus, even more perspective from Mike Slater and Boulder Crest’s Ken Falke.
Joe Biden Is Boring
Joe Biden Is Boring
Ratings for the State of The Union are an absolute disaster. Why are ratings down 39% vs. last year? It’s simple, because President Joe Biden is just too boring to watch.
What Is ChatGPT? Transhumanism Expert Explains
What Is ChatGPT? Transhumanism Expert Explains
Listen as Mike Slater and transhumanism expert Joe Allen discuss artificial intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence Is Here To Stay
Artificial Intelligence Is Here To Stay
However you may feel about Artificial Intelligence, it appears as though it’s here to stay.
What About The 6 MILLION Foreign Nationals Here Illegally? – Bill O’Reilly
What About The 6 MILLION Foreign Nationals Here Illegally? – Bill O’Reilly
President Joe Biden blatantly ignored the biggest issue America is facing since he took office. The massive influx of illegal aliens that crossed into America on his watch. He preaches immigration reform but does absolutely nothing. And Amnesty…never going to happen.
Joe Biden’s Speech Was Full of Deception – Bill O’Reilly
Joe Biden’s Speech Was Full of Deception – Bill O’Reilly
President Joe Biden insulted all American during his State of The Union address. Not only did he continue to claim responsibility for rebuilding America’s economy, he promised to take a stand against the fentanyl crisis. Problem is…the fentanyl crisis is largely his own fault! He has done absolutely nothing to secure our border since taking office and he won’t do anything moving forward.
Americans Are NOT Happy Right Now – Bill O’Reilly
Americans Are NOT Happy Right Now – Bill O’Reilly
Things are feeling pretty dicey in America right now. Making matters worse, we’re not seeing a whole lot of competence in our Federal Government to get us out of it. Bill O’Reilly shares new polls that show even Democrats want President Joe Biden out next election cycle. That’s pretty telling.
SOTU 2023: Nothing Is Joe Biden’s Fault – Bill O’Reilly
SOTU 2023: Nothing Is Joe Biden’s Fault – Bill O’Reilly
Every word, of every sentence, in every paragraph in tomorrow night’s State of The Union speech will have one thing in common…nothing will be President Joe Biden’s fault. President Joe Biden hasn’t been telling the truth for months, do don’t expect him to start now. Bill breaks down what you can expect to hear.