Under the Biden administration, we must learn to live in a country that repeatedly tries to sell lies as big wins.
Politics feels like the latest reality TV show because the systems put in place are ultimately stronger than the individual man.
An Ask Dr. Jesse Friday LOADED with 2024 Presidential election questions
Punishment is important; if we don’t hold institutions accountable with proper punishment, what is their disincentive to their corrupt behavior.
4 years of “draining the swamp” and 8 years of political persecution and Donald Trump STILL doesn’t understand how rotten the FBI is that he wants to build a brand NEW building for them in D.C.?
Once you realize that most of the voter base, on the left AND the right, are just in an exploitative, abusive relationship, you understand why tone deaf comments like Kathy Hochul’s are so frequent.
Why don’t AGs make any attempt to bring charges to foreign subversives like George Soros?
Why is the Jesse Kelly Show so unlike any other show you listen to? It’s because we care, want to understand the why behind every story and in turn, help the audience understand.
To understand who is to blame for the nationwide protests, we must understand how the infiltration of America by foreign entities like China really works.
Jesse is at a loss at how some of the most patriotic, religious Americans can be some of the most oblivious and complacent when it comes to the state of politics in the country.
The average American continues to struggle while the government continues to find new ways to show how little they care, like deciding to fund Ukraine for the next 10 years.
Jesse’s new ringtone will be set to the sound of a communist destroyer crying out “I am a professor!” while they find themselves on the bottom side of the policeman’s boot.