
The Watchdogs Aren’t Looking Out for You

The Watchdogs Aren’t Looking Out for You

Let’s talk about the FBI here. Do you remember the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer? Well, guess who played a large role in that kidnapping attempt? A Former Senior FBI official got caught red-handed swapping favors for the media. The FBI is doing nothing on the whole Hunter Biden situation, even though they still have possession of his laptop with all those leaked emails on it. Jesse Kelly has the frank talk about the power of the FBI, and why we can’t trust our institutions who are supposed to be looking out for us.

Canada’s COVID Frenzy

Canada’s COVID Frenzy

As the Canadian borders are finally opening back up, we delve into the COVID craziness going on in Canada. COVID patients being treated with morphine, no proof on the transmission of COVID, and that Canadians only have to believe the doctors and those in charge. Andrew Chapados gives us the scoop on it all.

Can Biden Be Impeached for This?

Can Biden Be Impeached for This?

COVID cases amongst detainees rises 900%. 900%. An unreal percentage. COVID is coming in through the border. Lora Ries lays out the hard truth on the reality of the border crisis, why the left needs to be called out for blatantly violating the safety and security of the American people, and how the Biden administration is choosing what laws they want to ignore and what to enforce.

Suppressing Our First Amendment Rights

Suppressing Our First Amendment Rights

Biden says that Facebook is killing people, but then recanted that statement. Now, the White House is looking to censor the American people from spreading “misinformation” on social media platforms. Pretty sure they are the ones who are misinforming us. Oh, and they also ADMITTED to coming after conservative news outlets. Dana Loesch spells out how the Biden administration’s disinformation is hurting us and suppressing our First Amendment rights.

Hypocrite Dems Learn a Big Lesson

Hypocrite Dems Learn a Big Lesson

Well, the political stunt that the Texas Legislators pulled finally has some consequences. Probably not enough, but they all tested positive for COVID! The stunt that they pulled has nothing to do with election bills, mind you. There are other ways to veto bills. Pulling this political stunt by running away on a private jet with some Miller Light isn’t one of them. Texas State Rep. Briscoe Cain sits down with Dana to share his thoughts on how these Texas Democrats went way too far, and what the voters repayment to them might be.

Rep. Thomas Massie Fights Military Vax Mandate

Rep. Thomas Massie Fights Military Vax Mandate

Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie joins Dana to share bringing the H.R. 3860 into legislation, Biden administration censoring misinformation on social media platforms, which proves the point of Section 230, and U.S. Army plans to force soldiers to get the vaccine as early as September 1st. The Department of Army Headquarters sent an order notifying everyone that a deadline is pending on the vaccine requirement. Rep Thomas Massie is among the House co-sponsors of the bill to prohibit these types of requirements for the military.

South Africa is Our Crystal Ball

South Africa is Our Crystal Ball

The extreme looting and rioting that is currently happening in South Africa, is eerily similar to what is going on in many of our major American cities. There have been over 200 deaths and over 2,500 arrested in these South African protests. As Lisa Daftari explains, this is the first post-apartheid conflict that we are seeing in South Africa, and it’s mostly due to the current global climate from the pandemic. Guest Lisa Daftari helps us understand who is behind the South African protests, and why we here in the United States need to pay close attention to what is going on in South Africa, as we are actually facing the same thing.

Discrimination in Our Woke Colleges

Discrimination in Our Woke Colleges

Cherise Trump (no relation to the President), is here to discuss the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israeli companies or companies that operate in Israel. The BDS movement tends to reestablish itself, or come up, whenever Israel has to defend itself against the Palestinians. It’s also been taking off on woke college campuses. Students are now pushing support for the BDS movement and no one is doing anything about it. Cherise Trump breaks it all down for us, and shares her on outlook on what our future could look like after these woke students graduate from college and enter the real world.

‘REMAKING AMERICA”: Biden’s Border Disaster

‘REMAKING AMERICA”: Biden’s Border Disaster

As if the border crisis couldn’t get any worse than what’s already going on, it has. Border numbers have increased again in June. Migrant crossings are at a 21-year high, a 450% INCREASE in the last year. What’s even worse is that over a 1,000 pounds of fentanyl was recovered at the border in June, alone. We saw a scary increase in drug overdoses across the country over the past year. We, for sure, do not need migrants now sneaking drugs off to add to the problem. Jesse Kelly has the hard truth on how the Biden Administration is trying to reshape America.

Companies Gone Woke

Companies Gone Woke

Guest, Jerome Hudson discusses the Hollywood culture war in America, the children’s toymaker, Hasbro, teaching critical race theory in a training session, and why this all boils down to the Communist elitists in the U.S.

Paying Homage to the Oracle

Paying Homage to the Oracle

It’s Jesse’s birthday, so of course we have to celebrate. So, what’s the best way to do that? Well, of course by reviewing all the times he was right. Cheers to Jesse! Now, let’s break down all the times the Oracle warned us and was right about everything.