
Are Americans at Their Breaking Point?

Are Americans at Their Breaking Point?

Strong blue democratic areas are now saying it’s difficult to believe the sincerity of the Biden administration. There isn’t any record that they are testing anyone for COVID at the border, while tests are taken throughout the rest of the country, and our government opened the border like it’s a free-for-all. We can’t determine who these people are, including if they’ve had any exposure to the COVID virus, which is a very real concern. Whether it be medically, COVID-wise, or criminally, our country will be impacted, and it’s not going to bode well for our country. Guest, Bryan Dean Wright shares his thoughts on the hypocrisy of the government, as well as Attorney General Garland’s letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s, regarding Executive Order GA 37.

The Slippery Slope of Collusion

The Slippery Slope of Collusion

The government’s instinct may be to censor misinformation that could potentially hurt them, but what about when Big Tech, the Government, and the media collude to form an ecosystem of censorship? Could it be that Big Tech wants to see stricter rules on free speech across all social media platforms? Steve Krakauer, Editor at Fourthwatch.media, details what the motive is behind the slippery slope of collusion between Big Tech and the government, and how the media became the third arm of it all.

Buried in National Debt

Buried in National Debt

We don’t talk enough about debt. Let’s face it: Interest rates are 25% higher, and the Federal Reserve said interest rates are increasing, with maybe no end in sight, at least in the foreseeable future. What do you think would happen when the government devalues your currency by spending money? The good news, is that Kyrsten Sinema blocked the Democrats $3.5 infrastructure bill. So, what’s the bad news? Well, the bad news is that the Bipartisan infrastructure bill, totaling $973 billion, just advanced in the Senate. Buckle up and let’s talk budget with Jesse Kelly.

The Domino Effect of Our Civic Ignorance

The Domino Effect of Our Civic Ignorance

We’ve been left high and dry. Since Governor Newsom’s lockdown decision in March 2020, it has been a complete domino effect of abuse of power and tyranny within our government. We are talking mask mandates and more lockdowns, among other things. The courts have failed us and our constitutional rights, and it is because of our civic ignorance, that we’ve done nothing about it. The GOP even fell for the COVID chaos. Founder of PatriotAcademy.com, Rick Green, is here to evaluate the Washington D.C. disconnect, and also discuss how we need to get back to what produces a free society, with the culture war that we are currently in.

Defund the Police Backfires

Defund the Police Backfires

Former Indiana Attorney General, Curtis Hill, sits down with Jesse to share his thoughts on why we need more accountability, and we actually need to be paying attention to our District Attorney’s. There has been an uptick in crime and lawlessness, record crime in Minnesota, and now people are realizing that ‘defund the police’ was a bad idea. Be careful what you ask for.

Flip-Flopping on Schools Opening

Flip-Flopping on Schools Opening

The head of the Teacher’s Union, Randi Weingarten, won’t say whether they will open up schools in the fall. Last year, per Randi Weingarten’s request, the CDC did not reopen schools. Guess the jury is still out on this one. Dana Loesch bends the knee on Weingarten’s flip-flopping.

Introducing the Restoring Military Focus Act into Legislation

Introducing the Restoring Military Focus Act into Legislation

Congressman Chip Roy details his Restoring Military Focus Act that he recently introduced into Legislation, aiming to remove Military Diversity Officer positions. This wokeism that is going on in the military is a disgrace, and eliminating the Diversity Officer position, is taking one huge step in stopping the wokery. It is about our military’s will and ability to defend our country. Divvying anyone up by race does nothing. We need cohesion in our military to defend our country. That’s what matters.

Exposing ATF Nominee David Chipman

Exposing ATF Nominee David Chipman

Anti-gun advocate and Biden’s ATF nominee, David Chipman, recently mocked gun owners and compared them to Tiger King. His disdain for people gun owners is so apparent, and he’s gone as far as lying about guns, while not believing that Americans have the right to defend themselves. David Harsanyi, Senior Writer for the National Review Online and Author of ‘First Freedom,’ is here to give his viewpoints on Chipman, the red flag law, and the mindset of those against guns.

The Power of Social Contagions

The Power of Social Contagions

To follow-up on Slater’s take on the Simone Biles story from yesterday, we take a look at the truth about social contagions. There are three social contagions: Mass shootings, gender dysphoria, and suicide. Do you notice that newspapers don’t usually mention when people pass away from suicide? It’s because social contagions, like something so horrible as suicide, are glamorized and incentivized, whether it be unintentional or not. Social contagions are not talked about, but Slater has the “True Story” behind it, and why we need to be more careful in today’s world.

The Left is Trying to Get Rid of You

The Left is Trying to Get Rid of You

Let it go, let it go, the left just can’t let January 6th go. The scripted crisis actors on the January 6th trials are just going to keep it up. It’s all in the Left’s agenda to make sure you are the enemy of the state. They are censoring you, your voice, your vote, and your freedom. Jesse Kelly gets a couple of things off his chest…