
Corona Didn’t Crash Obama’s Birthday Bash

Corona Didn’t Crash Obama’s Birthday Bash

Former President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday bash seemed to go off without a hitch and masks. Maybe it’s a sign for all of us that we should get life back to normal as we know it, just like the Obamas. Unless you have fear-monger Fauci or CDC Director Rochelle Walensky raining on our parade. Oh, that’s right. They only target Conservatives. The elitist Leftists can’t do anything wrong in their eyes. Yes, that’s hypocrisy. Well, life is about risks, right? So, let’s take a reasonable amount of risk and live life a little again. At least, that’s what the Dems look like they are doing at Lollapalooza and all!

Robert Davi’s Upcoming Film ‘My Son Hunter’

Robert Davi’s Upcoming Film ‘My Son Hunter’

The multi-talented Robert Davi sits down with Dana Loesch to give us the inside scoop on his new film that he directed called ‘My Son Hunter.’ The film is a depiction inside the life of Hunter Biden’s elitist lifestyle of partying, addiction, family, and shady business dealings. Davi says he really tapped into documenting Hunter in a ‘tasteful’ way that ‘humanizes’ him and his struggles throughout his adulthood. Davi’s drive to direct this film also stemmed from wanting to push the Conservative movement that is lacking in the industry, as opposed to the content of the Progressive Left.

The True Story on the Central Park Karen

The True Story on the Central Park Karen

The twisted, twisted truth. Remember ‘Central Park Karen,’ as this woman was spitefully called? The story of a ‘racist’ white woman, who called the cops on a black man who was bird watching, after he asked her to put her dog on a leash in the park? Well, it turns out that the media pushed this narrative, without having the full scope of what happened that day. Mike Slater has the TRUE STORY on Central Park Karen, and why we should ALWAYS question all the single narratives.

The Most Damning Case Against Masks

The Most Damning Case Against Masks

Is it time to ditch those surgical and cloth masks? It has been repeatedly pushed on us that we must wear these cloth coverings on our faces to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This mask hysteria that has spread everywhere. It’s the fear and panic that the CDC and government have instilled in us, causing many Americans to believe that masks are the answer to everything nowadays. Today, Mike Slater makes his case and point, as he sets up the evidence as to why those surgical and cloth masks don’t work. Slater also reveals the three conditions as to who, when, and why you should wear the EFFECTIVE N95 masks.

America’s Pandemic of Power, Control, and Hypocrisies

America’s Pandemic of Power, Control, and Hypocrisies

Barack Obama is allowed to throw a big 60th birthday bash, with no masks or COVID protocols in place, yet we can’t go to a restaurant in NYC without our vaccination cards, and our children must mask up in school? Where is our government condemning him for pretending there is no pandemic with so-called rising rates of people being infected with the Delta variant? That’s right; It’s because the Left doesn’t care about COVID. The Left is more concerned about power and control than anything else. It all makes sense now. Jesse Kelly connects the dots on all the COVID hypocrisy.

The Disheartening Reality of an Anti-America Youth

The Disheartening Reality of an Anti-America Youth

College students were recently asked whether they would root for Team USA at the Olympics, and let’s just say the answers were a flat-out no. The sad reality is that colleges are now made up of groups of unpatriotic students, who don’t even like the country that they live in. These are the next generation of leaders we are talking about here. Ophelie Jacobson, Campus Reform Reporter, details the concerning reality of just how bad the youth’s anti-patriotism problem is, and why Campus Reform got censored on YouTube for telling the truth!

Unmasking the Corrupt Teachers Unions

Unmasking the Corrupt Teachers Unions

The Teachers Unions narratives are coming to light, and with parents finally standing up to their agendas, the Unions are left squirming. Kira Davis, Editor-at-large for Redstate.com, takes on the Teachers Unions, and details the dramatic increase in parents choosing to homeschool their children. Kira and Jesse then switch gears to discuss our chaotic and divided America, and what we can do to see change in our country.

COVID Data: Separating Facts from Fear

COVID Data: Separating Facts from Fear

Children are not drivers of the epidemic, but the CDC is still trying to justify their recommendation of masking them. They want us to believe something that is clearly not true, which is where the mistrust of ‘following the science’ takes its course. Phil Kerpen, President of American Commitment & Unleash Prosperity, sits down with Dana to break down all the COVID data for us.

Skepticism Looms Over the American Public

Skepticism Looms Over the American Public

Do you remember when Democrats like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Andrew Cuomo all turned their heads on the vaccine and said they wouldn’t get it? Fast-forward to President Biden’s door-to-door campaign, and other Democrat leaders mandating that people get the vaccine. It’s hypocrisy at its best. You wonder why Americans are so skeptical about it all. Yet, when we question anything, we get censored. We are becoming a censored country, where our civil liberties are being taken away. Dana Loesch bends the knee on the virus of political agendas and censorship, on this special ‘Censored’ episode of ‘No Apologies.’

Exposing the Left’s Attack on Meritocracy

Exposing the Left’s Attack on Meritocracy

Asian-Americans study twice as many hours, believe in hard work and practice, excel in math and science, and a vast majority live in or come from two-parent households. They also have to score 44 points higher on ACTs to have the same chance of college admissions as a black person. So, why is it that Asian-Americans are discriminated against at Ivy League Schools, such as Harvard? Why is it that the Left goes after Asian success, and are so against meritocracy? Kenny Xu, Author of “An Inconvenient Minority: The Attack on Asian American Excellence and the Fight for Meritocracy,” sits down with Mike Slater to break down the Left’s anti-Asian discrimination, critical race theory at Harvard, and the impact of victimization based on race.

Where ‘the Experts’ are WRONG

Where ‘the Experts’ are WRONG

Our ‘experts’ and government officials have repeatedly violated our trust, wreaking havoc on our world during this COVID-19 pandemic. Families are now wearing masks inside their own homes, Australia is telling parents to keep a distance from their own children and not be friendly, and in New York City, you are told to not speak to anyone on the subways. Mike Slater details just how ridiculous the state of everything is nowadays, the mistrust of our experts, and how history is repeating itself, once again.