
Jesse’s Week in Wokeism

Jesse’s Week in Wokeism

It’s time for Jesse’s week in wokeism. White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, hired a TikTok ‘star’ to try and sell the vaccine at the White House. This is what it has come to? Pushing vaccines on teenagers? We have continually said that the Left is going after your children, to try and influence them with their cultural Marxist ways of life. Even DC Comics has gone woke. Jesse Kelly wraps up the week in wokeism.

The Dems Call to Tax the Unvaxxed

The Dems Call to Tax the Unvaxxed

The weaponization of the COVID-19 continues. What’s inside the Left’s new agenda to make you pay for not getting unvaccinated? Taxing the unvaxxed. Whatever happened to my body, my choice? It seems as though the Left’s new plan to tax the unvaxxed, is because they want to make you pay for your private health choice. Apparently, free french fries, $100 payouts, and lottery drawings were not enough to get people vaccinated. Dana Loesch shares her fired up take on this ‘tax the unvaxxed’ plan.

Rep. Andy Biggs’ Fight Against CRT & the Border Crisis

Rep. Andy Biggs’ Fight Against CRT & the Border Crisis

The House Freedom Caucus took a big position recently, by standing up to critical race theory and vowing to oppose any bill that doesn’t ‘defund CRT training.’ Congressman Andy Biggs, who has been on the forefront of the fight against critical race theory, joins Dana to discuss this, as well as his move to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, due to the Democrats failed leadership at the border.

The Left’s Assault on Our Freedom

The Left’s Assault on Our Freedom

Freedom? Our society takes freedom for granted. Most of us honestly don’t value it. Fauci says that he supposedly understands that “people like to have their individual freedom,” yet what freedom do we have today when it comes to all of these vaccine mandates, mask mandates, masking kids, routine weekly COVID testing, and even vaccine passports? This is what people do when they have an agenda. What happened to our body our choice? Jesse Kelly details the Left’s assault on our freedom, while confronting the sheer classism in today’s society.

The Isolating Effects of Wearing Masks

The Isolating Effects of Wearing Masks

Separation anxiety, depression, generalized anxiety. These are just some of what kids are dealing with through this pandemic. Masks, in particular, are causing psychological harm to our children. We are messing with kids’ brains, raising them to have separation anxiety and fears, and they are being shunned if they do not wear their masks. The difference between causing strain and causing stress, is that kids cannot deal with strain. That is why they are having so much difficulty through this pandemic. Mike Slater shares his fired up take on the isolating and psychological effects of kids wearing masks.

A Toxic Workplace No More: Cuomo Steps Down

A Toxic Workplace No More: Cuomo Steps Down

Why is that Andrew Cuomo finally decided to resign from office? If the sexual harassment claims weren’t bad enough, he also has the horrendous nursing home scandal, as David Harsanyi calls “the deadliest mistake of any governing body during the pandemic.” Senior writer at National Review Online and Author of ‘First Freedom,’ David Harsanyi joins Mike Slater to give us an in-depth perspective on the nursing home scandal, as well as what he believes is behind Cuomo’s decision to resign as Governor of New York.

Reckless Government Spending Crippling Our Country

Reckless Government Spending Crippling Our Country

Drunk and impaired driving technology, $118 billion bailout of the highway trust fund, and the IRS reporting requirement for cryptocurrency. These aren’t just random things; These are just some of the controversial policies in the Infrastructure Bill that just moved ahead in the Senate, and it’s exactly what is going to cripple our country. Jesse Kelly gives us the frank talk on America’s spending problem.

The Tipping Point of the Left-Winged Media

The Tipping Point of the Left-Winged Media

Is Chris Cuomo eating his own words right now? How can he say that his brother, Andrew Cuomo, did a great job handling the Coronavirus in NYC, when we have some of the worst COVID numbers in the United States, and Andrew Cuomo had a handling in the whole nursing home scandal? How is it that the media can constantly lie and shift the narrative? What we have is a bunch of fragmented media landscapes. Adam Guillette, President of Accuracy Media, details the corruption within the media, the dangers of liberal media sites, and how we can stand up and take action against them.

Combating the Left’s Woke Indoctrination of Our Kids

Combating the Left’s Woke Indoctrination of Our Kids

We need to push back on this woke indoctrination and transgender propaganda this is constantly being pushed on our kids by the Left. It is poison that is being spewed into children, that is affecting them and their futures. The things that go into our kids ears and eyes matter…a lot. What we need to do is take back America’s culture, combat this woke indoctrination, and get more involved in entertainment. Ashley St. Clair, is doing just that with her new book, ‘Elephants Are Not Birds,’ and she is on the show today to discuss it all. You can also learn more at Brave.US.

Disgraced Andrew Cuomo Resigns in Shame

Disgraced Andrew Cuomo Resigns in Shame

The awkward moment when Jesse was wrong that ONE time…Andrew Cuomo resigned today as New York Governor. Curtis Houck, Managing Editor at the Media Research Center, sits down with Jesse Kelly to share his thoughts on Cuomo’s resignation, how the Left ran Cuomo out of office to make room for Attorney General Letitia James, and why the media made him look like a hero in their eyes.