
Chaos and Desperation in Afghanistan

Chaos and Desperation in Afghanistan

The U.S. government admits that they don’t have an accurate number as to how many Americans are stranded in Afghanistan. U.S. citizens are being told to evacuate to the nearest airport as soon as possible, yet the government cannot guarantee their safety. Now, those Americans are told to steer clear of the dangers in and around the airport. The crisis on the ground in Afghanistan and outside the Kabul airport is just getting worse, but are all the critics being too harsh on Joe Biden? John Hayward, Breitbart News National Security Deputy Editor, shares his take on that, and the scenes outside the Kabul airport in Afghanistan.

Biden Turns His Back on the Crisis

Biden Turns His Back on the Crisis

Well, President Biden decided to make a speech about the Coronavirus, and then turned his back on reporters, as he avoided answering a single question. Is he intentionally ignoring the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan? It seems to be that Biden and his cabinet members have a problem doing their jobs and fulfilling their duties. Former Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) and Dean of Business for Liberty University, reveals the truth about the people in charge.

White House Puts Politics Before America

White House Puts Politics Before America

The stories coming out of Afghanistan are horrific, absolutely horrific. Yet, Biden sat down for a one-on-one interview on ABC and lied through his teeth, got testy when asked hard questions, and deflected the blame game on everyone but himself. These politicians lie. They come up with lie after lie, and they aren’t looking out for us or for our country. These elitists care more about covering for themselves and their political agendas, than anything else. Well, good thing Jesse Kelly is here to call Biden out on his lies…

The Deteriorating Situation in Afghanistan

The Deteriorating Situation in Afghanistan

British special forces are stepping in to help evacuate their citizens stranded in Afghanistan. Why are we not doing the same thing? Former Commanding General of the 101st Airborne Division and Regional Command-East and Author of “Marathon War Leadership in Combat Afghanistan,” Major General Jeffrey Schloesser, sits down with Jesse to analyze the crisis on the ground in Afghanistan.

Biden’s Saigon Moment

Biden’s Saigon Moment

This is absolutely a foreign policy disaster. A complete and utter disaster, and it all falls on the shoulders of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Not long ago, Kamala bragged she was the last one in the room for this U.S. withdrawal decision. Where is she now? MIA! Think about the military families and Veterans who are all now heartbroken and outraged. The spent the past 20 years putting themselves on the frontlines, protecting our country, our freedom, and this is how it all ends? It just doesn’t add up. Congressman Steve Scalise details how Biden will need to eventually come clean about this disastrous withdrawal, and how our enemies and allies are all watching this embarrassment of an administration.

What an Emboldened China Means for America

What an Emboldened China Means for America

China is growing more emboldened by the minute, and now, the CCP may just be teaming up with the Taliban. This is just on the heels of Biden’s disastrous U.S. withdrawal. We’ve said our enemies are watching, and they truly are. Scott Hounsell, Contributor and Resident Polling Expert at RedState.com shares his take on all of this, China’s influence around the world, and Hounsell gives his take on the Afghanistan disaster.

The Fallout From the Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan

The Fallout From the Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan

Stammering, pushing back on hard questions, downplaying the severity of the situation, and in complete denial of the crisis that is continuing to fold in Afghanistan. Kamala Harris may be hiding under a rock right now, but President Biden is in the hot seat. and Dana Loesch doubles down on Biden’s recent ABC interview, the Afghanistan disaster, and the geo-political embarrassment on every level imaginable.

We’ve Been Lied to About Afghanistan

We’ve Been Lied to About Afghanistan

Our leaders have failed us. Just how, after 20 years, did this all fall so easily, so quickly, in just three days? The lying and the manipulating; There is no end in sight. Slater shares how we were all lied to about Afghanistan, the ‘true story’ on the Afghanistan papers, and how this all ties it all in to the COVID pandemic.

White House Hasn’t Authorized Rescue Missions

White House Hasn’t Authorized Rescue Missions

Americans are at risk, stranded overseas, afraid to go to the airport, and our government is saying they do not have the capability to help them out. It’s a chaotic scene, and there are no clear answers. With Biden’s mix-messaging in blaming the military, blaming U.S. intelligence, blaming the Afghans, basically blaming everyone but HIMSELF. Kristina Wong, Breitbart News Pentagon Correspondent, is here to give us the latest news and updates on the Pentagon briefing, as well as the new reports on the Taliban takeover.

Democrats Are a Recipe for Disaster

Democrats Are a Recipe for Disaster

The crisis continues to unfold in Afghanistan. The U.S. government sent a letter to Americans stranded in Afghanistan, and told them to way their way to the Kabul airport, BUT the government cannot guarantee their Americans safety. This disaster just keeps getting worse…Jesse Kelly has all the details on all things Afghanistan, as well as the Left’s disaster of an administration.

America’s Feeding China’s Economy

America’s Feeding China’s Economy

Have you ever heard of BlackRock? Most people have never heard of them, but they may be the largest money managers in the world. Well, they have $9 trillion of assets under management. Carol Roth, Former Investment Banker, is here to explain what BlackRock is, the BlackRock-China connection, how big businesses are handling China, and also how America is feeding China’s economy.

A Civil War is Brewing in Afghanistan

A Civil War is Brewing in Afghanistan

Most Americans believe that the Taliban are on the cusp on taking over Afghanistan and there isn’t an imposing force, but that isn’t exactly the truth… Drew Berquist, Host of ‘This Is My Show with Drew Berquist’ and Former Counterterrorism Officer, shares his analysis of what’s going on in Afghanistan, the Afghan refugee situation, and his take on the White House not being able to save its citizens.