Full Shows

Reading the Georgia voting bill | 04-05-21

Reading the Georgia voting bill | 04-05-21

Has anyone in the media actually read the Georgia voting bill? Mike Slater has and he’s sharing the parts you should be paying attention to. Mike also believes he’s cracked the code as to how the Democrats create a narrative and he’s ready to share it with you. Plus, how long does COVID-19 immunity last after vaccination? Mike gets to the bottom of it.

Border Battle: America In Danger | 04-02-21

Border Battle: America In Danger | 04-02-21

The Biden Administration’s philosophical approach to managing America seems to be: We break it. You buy it. And the Southern Border of the United State is no exception. What was so bad about the policy that was beginning to work, and to have a net positive impact on our country’s economy? Oh yeah, Trump. The humanitarian disaster at the border is about to become a humanitarian disaster nationwide: cities & towns unable to handle an influx of destitute people in need of services, including housing and utilities; the potential spread of disease; sex trafficking; crime spikes; emboldened gang violence; etc. Jesse Kelly talks to first-person players who have been to the border and know what’s up!

In God We Trust: Restoring America’s Faith

In God We Trust: Restoring America’s Faith

Faith in America is under attack. The assault on religion is coming from our enemies who believe that we should not have a right to have faith or the freedom to worship as we please. But we must not lose sight of the fact that there is an enemy from within as well: ‘woke-ism’ has infected the church. And if we don’t undo the damage already done, we will be done in! The Marxists work in very non-mysterious ways; and we know this game. Mike and his panel of pastors discuss how to take back the meaning of faith and spread the Good Word!

Left’s Institutional Overload | 04-01-21

Left’s Institutional Overload | 04-01-21

Joe Biden and the Democrats have taken over nearly every institution in the United States. So when it comes to issues like the Republican-led voter reform in Georgia, the system comes together to reject the policy. And it’s not just in Georgia, it’s also going on with the Derek Chauvin-George Floyd murder trial and COVID-19. Jesse Kelly has all the details.

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-01-21

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-01-21

Heartbreaking images from the southern border as unaccompanied children continue to be smuggled across the U.S.-Mexico border. Guest host Trish Regan looks at the latest. Plus, Trish speaks to former Trump campaign advisor Corey Lewandowski about Democratic plans for a “vaccination passport.” And economist Stephen Moore joins Trish to discuss Joe Biden’s latest 2 trillion dollar spending monstrosity.

Joe Biden’s next big crisis | 03-31-21

Joe Biden’s next big crisis | 03-31-21

As if President Biden didn’t have a big enough crisis on his hands at the border, he could be dealing with another huge issue soon. What is it and how does it relate to his new infrastructure plan? Jesse Kelly explains. Plus, expert analysis from Heritage’s Tim Murtaugh, former NFL player Jack Brewer and former police officer Brandon Tatum.

Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine passports | 03-31-21

Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine passports | 03-31-21

President Biden and the Democrats are working on vaccine passports for people to show at events in a life after COVID-19. Mike Slater explains why that’s a huge mistake and why it’s not even necessary to begin with. Mike also dives into the ongoing George Floyd murder trial and provides the true story. Plus, a mother of a murder victim is fighting back against a corrupt district attorney in California.