Full Shows

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-13-21

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-13-21

The CDC and FDA call for the suspension of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine after 6 rare blood clots are linked to the medicine. Buck looks at the decision. Plus, another night of riots in Minnesota following a police involved shooting. Buck talks to the First TV’s Dana Loesch and Maj Toure about the incident that sparked it all and the response from police.

Buck Sexton Radio – April 13

Buck Sexton Radio – April 13

The CDC & FDA drop a bombshell calling for the suspension of the use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. Buck takes a look at the latest in bureaucratic malpractice from our nation’s experts. Plus, a second night of riots after a police involved shooting led to the death of a Minnesota man. Buck has the details.

Canceling COVID-19 | 04-12-21

Canceling COVID-19 | 04-12-21

Dr. Fauci has come out with more restrictions for people who have already taken the COVID-19 vaccine. Jesse Kelly has thoughts on that. Jesse also has thoughts on the system after over 100 major company CEOs met to discuss voting rights over the weekend. Plus, AWR Hawkins talks gun control and Nan Hayworth breaks down court packing.

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-12-21

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-12-21

A police involved shooting in Minnesota leads to another night of rioting in Minneapolis. Buck takes a look at the recent police body cam footage with former NYPD officer John Cardillo. And the CDC admits they were wrong about the extend of surface transmission of COVID-19. So will they ever be held accountable? Plus, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo still clings to power. NYC Conservative talk show host joins Buck to discuss the latest.

Buck Sexton Radio – April 12

Buck Sexton Radio – April 12

Chaos in Minneapolis as a police involved shooting results in riots across the city. Buck takes a look at the latest from Minnesota. Plus, Dr. Fauci continues to demand Americans lock down despite the vaccine rollout. Buck takes on the Bureaucratic abomination that is the CDC.

Biden’s biggest gun control lies | 04-12-21

Biden’s biggest gun control lies | 04-12-21

President Biden has told his fair share of falsehoods, but his recent comments on guns take the cake. Mike Slater reveals the four biggest lies Biden has told on gun control. Plus, BLM’s co-founder has gone on a home shopping spree as cities are looted in Minneapolis. Mike has the latest on this and also catches up with Will Chamberlain for an update on the Derek Chauvin trial.

The Dana Show | 04-09-21

The Dana Show | 04-09-21

Hunter Biden bombshell, China’s threats grow stronger, Biden’s war on the second amendment, Border chaos grows, J. Christian Adams & AZ AG Mark Brnovich join the show, headlines, FL man, Today in stupidity & more

Socialized: America’s brainwashed youth

Socialized: America’s brainwashed youth

We have been warning you: The Left is coming for your children’s minds. School curricula are soiled with hateful, divisive, false, and anti-American ‘lessons.’ Pop culture and entertainment are infected with woke doctrine. Sports are no longer sports; but rather, profitable platforms to promote twisted virtue and misinformed narratives. And then there’s corporate, whose board rooms are infested with ignorance and denial. They’re selling your kids sneakers…and Communism. Jesse’s panel unpacks how to recognize this toxin and purge it from your kids’ brains. Information is power, so be sure to watch!

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-09-21

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-09-21

The CDC goes woke! A recent memo released by the Centers for Disease Control claims racism is a quote “public health threat.” It’s just the latest attempt by the left to shoehorn their racial agenda into pretty much everything. Plus, Congressman Lee Zeldin joins Buck to discuss his recently announced candidacy for Governor of New York. And Hunter Biden tries to rehabilitate his image as new images of drug abuse and prostitution emerge from his ‘laptop from hell.’

Buck Sexton Radio – April 09

Buck Sexton Radio – April 09

The CDC goes woke, declaring racism is a ‘public health threat.’ Buck takes a look at the recent statement from CDC chief Rochelle Walensky. Plus, Buck takes a look at the recent gun control executive orders from the Biden administration and what they mean for the second amendment. And Hunter Biden continues his rehabilitation tour as new photos emerge from his “laptop from hell.”