Full Shows

THE BORN IDENTITY (full special)

THE BORN IDENTITY (full special)

There’s an all-out assault on human biology & human nature…a true Gender War. The Left has methodically and systematically set out to destroy the differences between men and women: from teaching small children they should question their ‘gender,’ and allowing them to begin transitioning at younger and younger ages, to promoting the notion of fluidity and a seemingly infinite number of ‘genders.’ The aim is transparent to those of us paying attention: to blow up traditional family structures and sex-linked roles. Ultimately, they would like to see the nuclear family vanish, so it can be replaced by a relationship with government. But Mike and his panel are not going to let that happen! Want to know how? Watch!

Truth about court packing | 04-15-21

Truth about court packing | 04-15-21

Why are the Democrats suddenly bringing up court packing when they may not have the votes to implement it? Jesse Kelly has thoughts. Jesse also has thoughts on wokeism in sports now that the President Biden administration is engaging with NASCAR on social justice messaging. Plus, expert analysis from Bobby Burack and Sheriff Bill Waybourn.

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-15-21

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-15-21

Congressional Democrats reveal plans to expand the high court, allowing them to pack it with liberal justices and take over the majority – SHOCKER! Buck breaks down what this means with Dinesh D’Souza and if Dems will actually go through with it. When will Dr. Fauci let go of his power grab and let American’s get their liberties back? And Kurt Schlichter joins Buck to discuss Biden’s plan to pull all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan – is he making the right decision?

America’s Woke Schools | 04-15-21

America’s Woke Schools | 04-15-21

While the left wants you to think court packing is their big issue, they may in fact be using it as a way to distract from other debacles, woke schools being one of them. Mike Slater dives into the most recent examples of Critical Race Theory and warns of the dangers that come with sending kids to public schools. Plus, a restaurant in California is fighting back against COVID-19 lockdown laws.

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-14-21

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-14-21

Democrats ratchet up the racially divisive rhetoric as riots continue for a third day in Minnesota. Buck takes the left to task on their demagoguery. Plus, Antifa is resurgent in Portland, Oregon. Journalist Andy Ngo joins Buck with the latest. And a NYC teacher puts his job on the line to ring the alarm on the effect of “critical race theory” on students.

Buck Sexton Radio – April 14

Buck Sexton Radio – April 14

Riots continued for a third night in the state of Minnesota after the shooting death of Daunte Wright, as Democrats ratchet up racially divisive rhetoric. Buck looks at the latest dangerous demagoguery. Plus, some Democrats are now calling for police to be disarmed, and Dr. Fauci continues to defend the CDC & FDA’s decision to pause the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

The Dana Show | 04-13-21

The Dana Show | 04-13-21

Gearing up for a summer of riots, feds recommend pausing Johnson & Johnson vaccine, critical race theory takes over, Biden’s attempt to reach white people re vaccinations, NCAA backs transgender athletes, FCC Commissioner Brenden Carr & Triumph systems Jared Ogden join the show, headlines, FL man, Today in stupidity & more

Mark Meadows joins the show | 04-13-21

Mark Meadows joins the show | 04-13-21

Former White House Chief of Staff and Congressman Mark Meadows joins Jesse Kelly to discuss President Trump’s agenda in and out of office. Jesse also dives into the shooting in Minneapolis and presents facts that the mainstream media didn’t wait to obtain in their original reporting. Plus, what’s the deal with court packing? Jesse explains.