Full Shows

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-26-21

Hold The Line with Buck Sexton | 04-26-21

Another Fauci flip-flop as the CDC prepares to revise its guidance on outdoor masking. Buck takes a look at the new rules and how the lockdowns are still effecting children with New York Post columnist Carol Markowicz. Plus, a North Carolina city is in a state of emergency as another police-involved shooting sparks protests. Chairman of the Texas GOP Allen West gives his perspective on the pressure mounting on law enforcement.

True Story w/Mike Slater | 04-26-21

True Story w/Mike Slater | 04-26-21

Looking to change someone’s mind on COVID-19? Look no further than these six facts from Mike Slater that debunk the hysteria. Mike also dives into the shooting of Ma’Khia Bryant and points something out that the mainstream media hasn’t shown you. Plus, the latest on climate change and the border.

The Dana Show | 04-23-21

The Dana Show | 04-23-21

WAPO attacks Tim Scott, Floyd autonomous zone, the wall and eminent domain, stocks tumble in response to Biden’s tax plan, law & order, Gov. Pete Ricketts joins the show, headlines, FL man, Today in stupidity & more

Cops Under Fire! | 04-23-21

Cops Under Fire! | 04-23-21

Police are in the crosshairs now more than ever. Not only is it open season on cops, who are being targeted for ambush and assassination, there is an all-out movement to eliminate law enforcement from the framework of our nation entirely. Anti-cop sentiment has infected every town, city, and county…every institution in America, including and especially academia. Mike Slater’s panel of LEO experts talk about life on the job, the risks, rewards, and why they stay — despite the dangers. Our goal with this special is to present a case for empathy for police officers, the men and women whose sworn oath is to protect and serve the community.

BLM Exposed! | 04-22-21

BLM Exposed! | 04-22-21

It was only a matter of time before the truth about the Marxist organization deceptively labeled Black Lives Matter would be revealed. It is run by radical, anti-American profiteers, who have hijacked a legitimate civil rights issue, to hoard power and shred civilized society. One needs only to look around at the violence, rioting, and looting — and listen to the rhetoric which attempts to justify it as noble. The outrageousness of BML’s behavior and objectives seems all the more absurd and hypocritical, when you consider the multi-million dollar acquisition of private homes in California and reportedly offshore, by one of its founders, who’s made no secret of her Marxist beliefs. Jesse’s guests know what’s up and will help us all share the facts about their dangerous agenda and devious activities.

Woke, Inc. | 04-22-21

Woke, Inc. | 04-22-21

American business was once a reliable ally in the fight for small government but corporations today appear more interested in pushing the woke agenda than turning a profit. On this special edition of Hold The Line, Buck Sexton take a look at how American business went woke, and how the American people can start fighting back.

The Dana Show | 04-21-21

The Dana Show | 04-21-21

Reactions to guilty charges in the Chauvin trial, Biden’s role in “systemic racism”, Media gets to work on next outrage, MN police probe, corporatism, Andrew McCarthy joins the show, headlines, FL man, Today in stupidity & more