
Indoctrinate U: The Progressive Agenda

Indoctrinate U: The Progressive Agenda

By all appearances, half the country has devolved into a self-loathing, anti-American collective of intolerant, history-hating bullies, scolds, and anarchists. Why did this happen — and how did it happen so quickly? It’s simple: progressives have assaulted the young, impressionable minds of school children, by infiltrating public and private institutions, implementing curriculum at all educational levels. It’s given elitist academics and teachers’ unions the opportunity to indoctrinate several generations of bitter, envious, entitled citizens.

History Under Siege

History Under Siege

There’s a war on for the soul of our nation. Statues and monuments, defaced and toppled. History books bastardized with lies and half-truths. American heroes of the past denounced and abandoned. In this special edition of Hold The Line, Buck Sexton examines the far-left efforts to undermine our heritage.

Open Borders: America’s Sovereignty At Risk

Open Borders: America’s Sovereignty At Risk

President Joe Biden sure seems to be putting Americans last, when it comes to immigration policy. From open borders to amnesty, the administration has put out the welcome mat for caravans of migrants, coming from some of the region’s most impoverished countries and seeking refuge in America. Will a return to Obama-era policies, with an added layer of 2021-style radicalism deal a fatal blow to our nation’s most needy, if not our sovereignty? Jesse and guests, including an Angel Mom — an immigrant herself — have a dire warning.

Biden’s First 100 Days

Biden’s First 100 Days

President Joe Biden wasted no time in reversing his predecessor’s America-first policies. With the stroke of a pen, he took a blow torch to anything that had Trump’s fingerprints on it. Unfortunately, his administration’s thirst for vengeance has already burned many of the voters who supported him, killing jobs and waging war on needy, underserved …

Exposed: The Biden Cabinet

Exposed: The Biden Cabinet

To find out what’s in store for America, at least for the next 2 years, one need look no further than the make-up of President Joe Biden’s cabinet. To historians, political scientists, and Constitutionalists, the new cohort will usher in one of the most radical Leftist agendas our nation has ever seen.

Border Battle: 2021

Border Battle: 2021

Buck hosts a special episode of Hold The Line, delving into the illegal immigration crisis in the United States and what it means for the future. Joining him is the Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies, Mark Krikorian to discuss the implication of Biden’s open borders and pro-amnesty policies on the United States and will 2021 see the return of the illegal migrant caravans? To analyze this impending crisis Buck is joined by Anna Rosa Quintana a Senior Policy Analyst for Latin America and the Western Hemisphere at the Heritage Foundation.

National Security Threat: China

National Security Threat: China

Communist China continues its aggression to unseat the United States as the world’s sole superpower. From Tik-Tok stealing people’s data, unfair trade practices, currency manipulation and encouraging unrest on the streets of America, there’s no level Beijing won’t stoop to undermine our nation’s future. Make no mistake about it…China is an extreme threat to our National Security. Buck Sexton and experts discuss what steps America needs to take now to prevent disaster.

Christianity Under Attack

Christianity Under Attack

Every year around Christmastime, conservatives lament efforts by the Left (and its media co-conspirators) to destroy America’s religious holidays. But this year, we are witnessing an aggressive attempt to dismantle Christianity — of global proportions. Christians are under attack or forced underground. Churches are being vandalized, if not destroyed. And what’s even more depraved is …

Dem’s Gun Grab: Target 2A

Dem’s Gun Grab: Target 2A

The Left turned America into a lawless war zone in 2020, between riots and defunding police. They also turned a record-breaking number of Americans into first-time gun owners. You’d think the gun-grabbing Democrats would get the hint. But nope, Biden and his cohorts on the Left have made it perfectly clear: they’re coming for you and your firearms. But we have a message for them: not so fast.

Jesse Kelly – Aug 24

Jesse Kelly – Aug 24

Jesse talks about the failures of Joe Biden during the DNC and how he never once mentions his political agenda if he were to become elected president. Jesse also shines light on the riots occurring in Wisconsin where serious violence is continuing to both the residents and the cops. Later in the show, Eddie Scarry joins Jesse to discuss the DNC and the impression some of the speakers made during the 4-day convention.