Mike Slater-07-28-21
Mike Slater-07-28-21
Americans have lost their faith in god and have since put it in institutions, argues Mike Slater. Mike also argues that people are putting their faith in losers as opposed to winners, as was seen in the Simone Biles Olympics dropout. Plus, there is an effort to overturn Roe v Wade but there’s also an effort to discredit a Supreme Court Justice. Mike Davis joins the show to explain.
Jesse Kelly 07-27-21
Jesse Kelly 07-27-21
Many on the left and right want to talk about an event that happened months ago. Jesse Kelly explains why he’s not talking about it. Plus, the CDC has new guidance on masks and Jesse is fired up about it. Also, the path to power for the GOP in 2022 is revealed.
Group Calls on White People to Skip Ivy League
Group Calls on White People to Skip Ivy League
Group calls on white people to not send their kids to ivy league schools; Bruce Levell joins to discuss how big tech looks to divide black America; Jason Whitlock joins to discuss the NFL’s vaccine policies; Mayor Pete’s unemployed husband complains about cost of D.C. living
Mike Slater – 7/27/21
Mike Slater – 7/27/21
The mandates are coming, and Mike Slater has proof. However, is it possible that the United States is far less totalitarian compared to foreign countries? Mike examines the evidence. Plus, what is a social credit score and how is it going to impact your life? Mike explains.
Jesse Kelly – 7/26/21
Jesse Kelly – 7/26/21
You won’t believe the stories that Jesse Kelly has compiled for This Week in Wokeism. One of them is so disgusting we can’t even show it to you. Plus, President Trump issued a dire warning on communism. Jesse explains why he’s exactly right to do so. Also, could masks be coming back even for unvaccinated individuals? A former Trump official weighs in.
Dana Loesch: 07-26-21
Dana Loesch: 07-26-21
Woke Army General targets wrong-think; Will Hild joins to discuss corporate wokeism; Jeremy Adams joins to discuss America’s next generation; the Tucker Carlson confrontation
Dana Loesch: July 26
Dana Loesch: July 26
Woke Army General targets wrong-think; Will Hild joins to discuss corporate wokeism; Jeremy Adams joins to discuss America’s next generation; the Tucker Carlson confrontation
Mike Slater – 7/26/21
Mike Slater – 7/26/21
The Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated America without firing a single shot. Mike Slater explains how the CCP is reaching America’s youth and flooding society with propaganda. Plus, Clyde Prestowitz joins the show to discuss a potential social credit score system coming to America as well as China’s role in a major U.S. hacking. True …
Jesse Kelly-07-23-21
Jesse Kelly-07-23-21
It’s a good thing we’re in the digital age, because the Left has re-written the climate catastrophe narrative so many different ways over the years, that their paper consumption would have killed half the Amazon rainforest by now. The anti-American Left would have you believe that we are the deniers. The truth is that there is nothing more patriotic than caring for our wilderness and environment. The climate hysteria dogma, on the other hand, is truly wicked: it seeks to consolidate capital and power into the hands of a few, at the global level. It seeks to confiscate individual liberty, prosperity, and deny us a human existence. And it’s not as if these elites even play by the rules they impose on us. Jesse Kelly’s panel of climate realists: Marc Morano, author of ‘Green Fraud,’ Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace (!), and Joel Griffith from Heritage speak truth to hot air!
Dana Loesch 07-23-21
Dana Loesch 07-23-21
Drafting women in the military, Rep. Mike Kelly joins to discuss the IRS persecuting Christian non-profits; Rachel Bovard joins to discuss the next step in Government censorship; shaming the unvaccinated
Mike Slater-07-23-21
Mike Slater-07-23-21
Here’s a scary question: If America were under attack, would our armed forces be capable of defending the country? And here’s a scary answer: According to many high-ranking analysts, the answer is…unclear. A significant, and underreported, factor is the physical fitness of the recruits and troops themselves. Studies have shown that young people are ineligible because of their sheer inability to endure the rigors of basic training. Complicating the declining condition of our fortitude: wokeness, which has crept into recruitment and a pernicious indoctrination of new soldiers. Human ‘infrastructure’ aside, what about our hard assets around the world? Mike and company explore America’s military posture. Are we ready for war?
Jesse Kelly – 7/22/21
Jesse Kelly – 7/22/21
The President has shown severe cognitive decline during his first six months in office, but really put his struggles on full display when he did a town hall with CNN. Jesse Kelly highlights the worst moments from the program as well as some you may have missed. Plus, what is the left truly trying to accomplish with all this talk of January 6th? The answer may surprise you.
I’m Right with Jesse Kelly | 7-22-21