Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.
Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.
With cities across the country witnessing spikes in crime, the White House announced a new plan to tackle the violence…with a focus on gun control, of course
“The folks” getting involved is the key to preserving traditional America, says Bill O’Reilly.
As the majority of U.S. schools plan on finally opening their doors to in-class instruction this fall, parents across America are now fighting to protect students from a NEW virus – CRT.
Vice President Harris rushed to visit the border after Trump announced he’d be visiting, says Bill O’Reilly.
Brandeis University is full-blown “loonsville,” proclaims Bill O’Reilly.
Matt Manda, Public Relations for National Shooting Sports Foundation, and Dana Loesch pick apart President Biden’s strategy to combat gun violence across the county.
Crime rates rising at the highest levels in years, our cities being burned down, looting, 2020 being one of the most violent years, hate crimes being the worst they have been in recent times. The Biden administration’s answer to all of this? Go after guns and gun dealers, in his new gun policy. You don’t …
It’s no secret that Victoria Secret’s sales have plunged in recent years. So, what’s their answer to turning the company around? Joining the ‘trend’ by GOING WOKE. Dana Loesch unravels Victoria Secret’s feminist rebrand.
Dana talks about President Biden’s new gun control plan, the background checks record, and how this will specifically affect the firearms industry and potentially violate the Second Amendment rights.
Dana is joined by J Christian Adams (@ElectionLawCtr), Election lawyer @PILFoundation, New York Time bestselling author of ‘Injustice’ on yesterday’s defeat of Democrat’s attempt to move power from the States to the Federal Government, referred to as ‘HR 1’ or ’S 1’.
@Dana Loesch talks with Charles Payne (@cvpayne), Host of “Making Money With Charles Payne” – Weekdays 2-3p ET on Fox Business, on AMC stock prices, what is driving it – and the fight with ‘shorters’ vs those who are holding the stock long.
The Biden-Harris border crisis saga continues. This time, Texas Governor Greg Abbott is finally taking action by operating its constitutional authority as a sovereign state. Mike Howell, Senior Advisor of the Heritage Foundation, details just how serious this invasion that is taking place at the border is, and why Texas and Gov. Abbott are doing everything they can, while the Biden Administration is failing to do so