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Inflation Is No Laughing Matter

Inflation Is No Laughing Matter

In June alone, consumer prices increased five percent. Lumber, gas, new and used cars all got more expensive. Some good news, though: Your 4th of July cookout got 16 cents cheaper. Yay for cheaper hotdogs! Or so says the White House, because those 16 cents are actually really eight cents when you factor in inflation …

Drag Queen Story Hour

Drag Queen Story Hour

Drag queen story hour is back. Yes, that’s supposedly a really thing at a library in San Diego, California. Democratic party in England made costumes to perform at a library. Transvestite monkey teaches kids in London. What a way to promote literacy, right? We are trying to protect our kids, our youth. The woke critical …

Teacher’s Union Lying Under Pressure

Teacher’s Union Lying Under Pressure

School board elections are the most important in the critical race theory battle. Here we have the head of the teacher’s union spewing lies, claiming teachers are not teaching CRT in schools. Instead, she is accusing those of bullying teachers and stopping them from teaching history. Autry Pruitt on the battle over teaching CRT in …

TX DEMS AVOID VOTING INTEGRITY: TX AG Ken Paxton On Cowardly Dems; Censorship

TX DEMS AVOID VOTING INTEGRITY: TX AG Ken Paxton On Cowardly Dems; Censorship

Dana (@DLoesch) is joined by TX AG Ken Paxton (@KenPaxtonTX) on how COWARDLY Texas Democrats FLEE their duties in order to get pats on the back from the national Democrats (and the media) – It’s clear that Democrats DO NOT WANT VOTER INTEGRITY, nor do they want ACCOUNTABILITY – and with the help of the …

White House Endorses Censorship

White House Endorses Censorship

Dana questions the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s statement and talks about how the government wants to silence people who do not respect their ideology in a prominent but “legal” way and how the big technological corporations and social networks work in conjunction with the government.

Facing the Hard Truth on Inflation

Facing the Hard Truth on Inflation

Were you part of the inflation problem? You wouldn’t think so, right? You sit home, expecting to be paid by the government through all of these massive stimulus bills that were passed. What did you think expect from our panicky nation? It’s the law of economics. Jesse Kelly gives you a ‘real, adult talk on …