Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.
Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.
Lord of the Rings is going WOKE. The Tolkien Society was created for people who love Lord of the Rings, and want to just talk about Lord of the Rings. The Tolkien Society is holding a seminar in the first week of July. What’s on the agenda? Well, Dana Loesch has all the details…
What is said to be one of the most watched elections this year in the state of Texas, Texas Attorney General Candidate George P. Bush sits down with Dana to discuss his quest for candidacy, and how he aims to restore accountability, while informing the public about the issues that the state of Texas is …
Bill O’Reilly gets the details of the “secret tax” that is hammering Americans’ bank accounts.
EVERYTHING is up 5 percent on average since Biden was elected, says Bill O’Reilly.
Dana talks about Victoria’s Secret getting rid of the angels and the first transgender to compete in a female weightlifting at Olympic Games.
Dana talks on the comparison between Independence Day and the Juneteenth Bill.
Dana talks about the multiple studies that confirm that the masks do not work and that Dr. Fauci should be on his way to the exit gate.
Professor of Microbiology, Vincent Racaniello, discusses the TRUE STORY of the “COVID on steroids” Delta variant, the reported side-effect of heart inflammation in children taking the vaccine, a look back at the COVID-19 origins, and the grand conclusion of it all.
Juneteenth: The holiday of unity, as it is supposed to be. Yet, the Left is using it as a way to divide our country. If we cannot unite over the marking of ending slavery, the day where the U.S. UNITES to end slavery, then what are we doing? Juneteenth is a good thing, but it …
Our country has become a country of weaponizing race, racism, and identity. It’s all in the Left’s agenda. AOC uses race as a weapon to silence the opposition, Ilhan Omar comparing the United States to the Taliban; what is this all about? Guest host Rob Smith talks about the radical left’s agenda, and why conservatives are finally waking up to all of this.
According to this MSNBC interview, parents shouldn’t be allowed to have any say in their child’s curriculum. Ryan Girdusky, Author of “They’re Not Listening” and Founder of the 1776 Project Pac combating critical race theory, gives one of the best explanations of the fundamental difference between CRT and black history taught in our schools.
What people don’t understand about Obamacare, is that it is more expensive for younger people. Nan Hayworth of the Independent Women’s Forum spells out why Obamacare is just one big disaster, and “a gigantic gift” to big health systems and entities.