Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.
Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.
Guest, Jerome Hudson discusses the Hollywood culture war in America, the children’s toymaker, Hasbro, teaching critical race theory in a training session, and why this all boils down to the Communist elitists in the U.S.
It’s Jesse’s birthday, so of course we have to celebrate. So, what’s the best way to do that? Well, of course by reviewing all the times he was right. Cheers to Jesse! Now, let’s break down all the times the Oracle warned us and was right about everything.
President Biden is taking cues from President Putin, says Bill O’Reilly.
The Chinese Communist Party is here to stay, and here to take over the world. As we have now realized that China was behind the Microsoft cyberattack, we also need to realize that the CCP is growing more emboldened. Clearly, our administration has other things to focus on and talk about, like white supremacy and gender pronouns. That’s only making us a bigger target. So, President, instead of punishing us, why don’t you focus on keeping our nation as the most powerful in the world?
Fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic, crime across the U.S. has gotten out of control. So out of control that the Democrats are finally shifting policies to focus on combating crime. Curtis Hill sits down with Dana to address the environment of lawlessness, and why the worrisome Democrats are now scrambling.
We have the CCP threatening to nuke Japan, while showing itself as an enemy to the U.S. Meanwhile, Biden does nothing about it, and chooses to rather focus on flagging Facebook to silence the American citizens. Senator Marsha Blackburn shares her response on the CCP’s threat, and what she means when she says the Biden administration’s actions are making Donald Trump’s point for him.
Marion Smith joins Buck to discuss Black Lives Matter putting the blame on the United States for the abject misery in the communist country.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is now urging all students, even as young as two years old, wear masks in schools. A two-year-old wearing a mask in school, all day, vaccinated or not. This even goes beyond what the CDC says about it not being necessary that vaccinated student wear masks. The new recommendation by …
The Biden Administration spent $6 trillion dollars over the past year, and is on track to do the same in the coming year. Wayne Crews gives his view on the state of inflation in the U.S., and connects the dots on how regulation causes inflation.
Buck is joined by Morgan Zegers to discuss New Shepard’s ascend into space and how liberals have reacted to it.
Dana talks about Jeff Bezos’ trip to space on his rocket with people on board and discusses Bezos’ financial ability, the future cost of tickets, and even the price of seats for Blue Origin’s spacecraft.
Dana talks about CDC Director Dr. Walensky’s quote on “the pandemic of the unvaccinated” and highlights the absence of data and truth between vaccination mandate and government entities.