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U.S. Media Sees Steep Decline in Credibility

U.S. Media Sees Steep Decline in Credibility

Tim Graham, Executive Director of NewsBusters, details the U.S. media encompassing 46 countries by coming in dead-last as the least trustworthy. Between conspiracy theories, to misleading information, to even falsifying news reports, the U.S. media’s credibility has hit an all-time low. There are so many blatant examples of the media’s nonsense, that it’s an embarrassment. Once the trust is broken, it’s almost impossible to repair it.

America, the “Stolen Land?”

America, the “Stolen Land?”

So, what’s the story behind the lie that America is “built on stolen land?” Will Chamberlain has the details behind this myth. As Will Chamberlain states, The best world is the world where we don’t have any of these conflicts and disputes that lead to war, as fighting over land can do.

U.S. Blamed for Cuban Protests

U.S. Blamed for Cuban Protests

Why is the U.S. embargo being blamed for empowering the Cuban regime? Former President Barack Obama even put an end to the embargo for a period of time, so clearly that’s not the problem. Dana Loesch breaks down why the American embargo is not to be blamed for what’s happening in Cuba.