Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.
Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.
Tim Graham, Executive Director of NewsBusters, details the U.S. media encompassing 46 countries by coming in dead-last as the least trustworthy. Between conspiracy theories, to misleading information, to even falsifying news reports, the U.S. media’s credibility has hit an all-time low. There are so many blatant examples of the media’s nonsense, that it’s an embarrassment. Once the trust is broken, it’s almost impossible to repair it.
So, what’s the story behind the lie that America is “built on stolen land?” Will Chamberlain has the details behind this myth. As Will Chamberlain states, The best world is the world where we don’t have any of these conflicts and disputes that lead to war, as fighting over land can do.
Why is the U.S. embargo being blamed for empowering the Cuban regime? Former President Barack Obama even put an end to the embargo for a period of time, so clearly that’s not the problem. Dana Loesch breaks down why the American embargo is not to be blamed for what’s happening in Cuba.
Gordon Chang joins Buck to discuss the worldwide cyber hacking campaign that threatened U.S. economic and national security.
Buck discusses the White House’s efforts to censor social media with the founder of American Majority, Ned Ryun.
What is Biden doing to help Cuban protests? NOTHING. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas denies Cuban asylum seekers, but has continuously allowed migrants to come over the border. It’s the immigration double-standard. Mike Slater and the “True Story” on the Cuban protests.
The Cuban governments plan to block messaging apps, so Cubans cannot send messages or send videos, showing what is going on inside the protests. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis calls on President Biden to help those flee oppression, and provide internet to the Cuban people. FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr details the Communist regime cutting off the …
Dana talks with the guys from Black Rifle Coffee Company, Evan Hafer and Mat Best on the hit piece done recently by The New York Times.
Dana is joined by Stephen Yates, International Advisor on all things China, and the world – talks about the importance of Guantanamo Bay, and why it’s puzzling that Democrats seem to always want to close it down. The Microsoft hack with blame pointing at China, who have been hacking for YEARS.
Is religious persecution on the rise in America?
Bill O’Reilly is right again! He predicted the MLB All-Star Game would set a record for the lowest ratings of all-time.
Job growth California is ranked 45th out of 50. Clearly not a good sign for the state. Papa John’s is investing $2.5 million in bonuses this year, to pay pizza makers up to $400 in bonuses, in order to try and hold on to employees during this labor shortage. Slapfish Chef and Owner, Andrew Gruel, …