
Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.

The Absence of Truth

The Absence of Truth

Dana discusses the lack of transparency from the government agencies, the media, and the mistrust created in people due to the lack of data and Biden’s mismanagement of the pandemic

Biden Town Hall

Biden Town Hall

Dana reviews the topics discussed at Biden’s Town Hall last night, including gun control, vaccine hesitancy, unemployment, small businesses, and more.

Kurt Schlichter On Today’s Politics & His New Bestseller ’The Split’

Kurt Schlichter On Today’s Politics & His New Bestseller ’The Split’

Dana talks with Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) an author, political columnist, commentator, trial lawyer, and retired colonel @ the US army and Sr. Columnist @Townhallcom, on Biden’s Town Hall last night, how there were no tough questions, and only a support of the Democrat narrative including how guns are bad, vaccines are good and Republicans are …

Trump Leads THREE Lawsuits Against Big Tech

Trump Leads THREE Lawsuits Against Big Tech

Disinformation, misinformation, it’s all in Biden’s plan to censor us on social media platforms and take away our First Amendment rights. As well all know, the Biden administration is censoring Trump as well, by banning him from social media. Executive Director of Constitutional Litigation Partnership at America First Policy Institute, Katie Sullivan, is here to break down why Trump is the President for the people, his legal argument against Big Tech, collusion with Democrats and social media, how the history of Section 230 relates to ‘The Wolf of Wall Street,’ and what’s the “one thing that drives her every day.”

The Watchdogs Aren’t Looking Out for You

The Watchdogs Aren’t Looking Out for You

Let’s talk about the FBI here. Do you remember the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer? Well, guess who played a large role in that kidnapping attempt? A Former Senior FBI official got caught red-handed swapping favors for the media. The FBI is doing nothing on the whole Hunter Biden situation, even though they still have possession of his laptop with all those leaked emails on it. Jesse Kelly has the frank talk about the power of the FBI, and why we can’t trust our institutions who are supposed to be looking out for us.

Canada’s COVID Frenzy

Canada’s COVID Frenzy

As the Canadian borders are finally opening back up, we delve into the COVID craziness going on in Canada. COVID patients being treated with morphine, no proof on the transmission of COVID, and that Canadians only have to believe the doctors and those in charge. Andrew Chapados gives us the scoop on it all.

Can Biden Be Impeached for This?

Can Biden Be Impeached for This?

COVID cases amongst detainees rises 900%. 900%. An unreal percentage. COVID is coming in through the border. Lora Ries lays out the hard truth on the reality of the border crisis, why the left needs to be called out for blatantly violating the safety and security of the American people, and how the Biden administration is choosing what laws they want to ignore and what to enforce.