Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.
Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.
Watch this “devastating” political ad from Trump’s Save America PAC.
Woke teachers who are indoctrinating our kids with nonsense think it’s actually funny. You’ve seen these videos where they are laughing and bragging over this woke garbage that they are teaching our young and innocent children. This Pre-School teacher is making her PRE-K students call her Mx., instead of Ms., and she’s laughing about it? It’s a disgrace, it’s pathetic, and it’s affecting our kids. Kira Davis, Editor-at-Large for RedState, is here to discuss all of this woke garbage, as she shares her strong message to all parents out there.
Pentagon Officials are now saying that ‘it’s possible’ the United States teams up with the Taliban against ISIS-K. So, first the White House gave up control in Afghanistan to the Taliban, then they left them billions of dollars’ worth of weaponry and other military gear and money, and now, they are suggesting at the possibility of teaming up with them to fight the Taliban’s enemy? Are they really for the people of America? Counterterrorism and Foreign Policy Expert, Jason Killmeyer, is here to break down this latest development coming from the Pentagon.
Military 101: Standing up and saying what you did wrong. Being vulnerable and accepting errors. Our military leaders failed to do so. If you believe that something is unlawful, there is such thing as an unlawful order in the military. Our military leaders, again, failed to do just that. Just as our military Generals let us down, President Biden, the Commander-in-Chief for the United States, he also betrayed an entire nation. We left Afghan interpreters, U.S. citizens, and other U.S. visa applicants all behind in Afghanistan. It’s irresponsible of the Biden administration to even try and say all of these people had the chance or choice, but chose not to flee Afghanistan. Biden’s long list of betrayal of Afghans and Americans will live in infamy. Major Glenn Ignazio, sits down with Dana to discuss all of Biden’s failures in Afghanistan, and why extraction should have been from the U.S. embassy, directly.
The DOJ’s civil rights arm is investigating red states over their mask mandate bans, Bill O’Reilly reports.
In the fight over mask mandates in schools, parents’ voices need to be heard. One parent who is making her voice heard loud and clear is Marlaina Schiavo, who is protecting parental and children’s civil liberties, by fighting against abuse of power by the State. She recently spoke up at a school board meeting against New Jersey Governor Murphy’s mask policies in schools. She is on the show today to spread the word on why parents should be the ones deciding whether to mask their children, and also how politics do not belong in the classroom.
Dana talks about how White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki refuses to discuss Biden Call with Ghani in the latest presser.
Dana is joined by Florida Rep. Mike Waltz (FL-6) – (@michaelgwaltz), who has served worldwide as a decorated Special Forces officer with multiple combat tours in Afghanistan, the Middle East and Africa. Rep. Waltz explains the horrific policy decisions by this administration, and how the media and White House spin is that somehow we have …
Children should not feel ‘unsafe’ if they aren’t wearing masks. Children should not be so scared to take off their masks, that they feel the need to wear them at home. That is what’s happening today, and it’s exactly the filth that is being projected and infiltrated in these kids minds, and it is not okay. Psychologist, Dr. Mark McDonald, sits down with Mike Slater to discuss the psychological problems that stem from forcing kids to wear masks, as well as the two WORST mistakes that happened during this COVID-19 pandemic.
Communists are taking over the education system, and something needs to be done about it. A woke Sacramento, California teacher was recently caught on tape admitting to indoctrinating students to overthrow our government. He goes on to say that he gives students ‘extra credit’ when they go to Antifa events. This is exactly why we need to monitor our kids schooling. Pay attention to your child’s curriculum. Make sure you know what they are learning, because these wokeists will continue to infiltrate them with hate and this nonsense. These people are the monsters who have taken over our education system.
Bill O’Reilly exposes UNC’s new woke, racist course on “whiteness.”
Ford Germany recently rolled out a new blue Ford Ranger Raptor, but in response to the unveiling, one Twitter comment stuck out to them. Ford Europe’s response back? Well, they rolled out a rainbow truck in response to shutting down homophobic trolls. Dana Loesch bends the knee on the gay raptor truck no one asked for.