Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.
Check out the best highlights from your favorite shows on The First! And be sure to share them to spread the word and thwart the Big Tech overlords.
Dana gives the unfortunate news of the comedian’s death. Former ‘SNL’ player Norm Macdonald has passed away at the age of 61 due to a private cancer battle.
Jesse Kelly shares his thoughts on Biden’s VIDEO MESSAGE on September 11th, and how President George W. Bush completely embarrassed himself with his ‘foul spirit’ remarks, in observance of the September 11th attacks.
President Biden spent part of 9/11 defending himself on Afghanistan, Bill O’Reilly reports.
Will Chamberlain, Senior Counsel at Internet Accountability Project, discusses why President Bush should be absolutely ashamed of himself over his remarks on the September 11th attacks, and his bizarre comparison to the January 6th riots. Will and Jesse Kelly then switch gears to share their thoughts on how we have cheated our youth so badly, as our universities are destroying our kids.
From a U.S. Army Lt. Col. and 18-year Veteran walking away from the military due to the vaccine mandates, to a maternity department at a New York hospital that now has to shut down due to 30 staffers walking off the job over vaccine mandates; Jesse Kelly breaks down the latest examples of those fighting back against Biden’s tyrannical vaccine mandates.
Democrats’ $3.5 TRILLION spending package has hit a major roadblock: Joe Manchin.
The debate over transgender women in sports exploded over the weekend after a trans fighter, (who used to be in the U.S. Army Special Forces), defeated her opponent with a rear-naked choke hold. Is the future of female sports gone forever?
Mike Slater explains the seven reasons as to why we have different views on COVID, as he tells the story of Mr. and Mrs. Jones, a married couple, from two different backgrounds and varying life experiences, who have a defining difference of opinion on COVID, and the defining aspect of it all.
Mike Slater highlights the differences between the 1905 Jacobson v. Massachusetts case, and the COVID-19 pandemic, today. It’s a tale of two cases, two vaccines, yet there are vast differences between the two pandemics.
Liza Wheeler, Host, ‘The Liz Wheeler Show’ joins Dana to discuss big government and vaccine mandates, where the vaccine mandates are heading, and why flip-flop Fauci can’t follow his on science, as he weighs in on politics and policy.
Jack Posobiec, Senior Editor at Human Events joins Buck to discuss Secretary of State Antony Blinken as he testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee in regards to the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Congress is back in session. After taking a summer recess, Congress has now returned for a legislative marathon on the $3.5 trillion dollar spending package, to government shutdowns, to the Unites States debt ceiling. Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins, joins Dana to discuss the huge fight over the infrastructure and budget bills, as he shares his thoughts on how the Left is driven by politics, and also how the Biden administration has weakened America.