Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News

Bill O’Reilly’s success in broadcasting and publishing is unmatched. The iconic anchor of “The O’Reilly Factor” led the program to the status of the highest-rated cable news broadcast in the nation for 16 consecutive years. He now brings the same unique analysis that vaulted him to the top and kept him there to his new program, “No Spin News.” No Spin. Just Facts. Always looking out for you. Watch Bill O’Reilly’s one-of-a-kind brand of news analysis right here on The First every weeknight at 8p ET.

Sports Changed Forever

Sports Changed Forever

Bill O’Reilly breaks down President Trump’s interview last night with Fox News’ Chris Wallace and says they are both missing an important point.

He argues Republicans should improve their messaging on the spread of COVID-19. It’s all about personal responsibility, Bill says.

The COVID Surge

The COVID Surge

Bill O’Reilly breaks down President Trump’s interview last night with Fox News’ Chris Wallace and says they are both missing an important point.

He argues Republicans should improve their messaging on the spread of COVID-19. It’s all about personal responsibility, Bill says.

Schools Close = Trump Loses

Schools Close = Trump Loses

Denmark, Norway, Austria and Finland have all successfully re-opened schools with little or no negative consequences. Bill: “Betsy Devos should get on a little plane, go on over there, find out what they’re doing and we can do it too.”

Trump vs. Biden

Trump vs. Biden

President Trump attacks Joe Biden in Rose Garden speech…right after Biden did the same in his speech from Delaware. Bill O’Reilly shares his thoughts on both.

Biden’s a Hypocrite

Biden’s a Hypocrite

Billy O’Reilly exposes Joe Biden’s adoption of Bernie Sanders’ extreme agenda. His anti-police rhetoric wouldn’t be so bad had he not co-sponsored the “tough on crime” bill as a U.S. Senator. “It provided 100,000 new police officers… $10 billion in prison funding.” NO SPIN NEWS

Redford Is Wrong!

Redford Is Wrong!

​ @Bill O’Reilly debunks Robert Redford’s justification for endorsing Joe Biden who he says has the “experience & intelligence” that will restore “dignity & efficiency” to the White House. “It’s not about Trump versus Biden, it’s about Trump versus Trump.”