Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News

Bill O’Reilly’s success in broadcasting and publishing is unmatched. The iconic anchor of “The O’Reilly Factor” led the program to the status of the highest-rated cable news broadcast in the nation for 16 consecutive years. He now brings the same unique analysis that vaulted him to the top and kept him there to his new program, “No Spin News.” No Spin. Just Facts. Always looking out for you. Watch Bill O’Reilly’s one-of-a-kind brand of news analysis right here on The First every weeknight at 8p ET.

Dems Won’t Stop Riots

Dems Won’t Stop Riots

Despite 60 days of destruction in #Portland, the liberal mayor and governor STILL refuse to restore law & order. And in nearby #Seattle, 59 cops were injured with 47 arrests made.

Why are Democrats refusing to act? Bill O’Reilly has the answer.

I can’t Vote for Biden

I can’t Vote for Biden

It is clear the radical left will have TOTAL control of a Joe Biden presidency. Bill O’Reilly says if Democrats win in November, you can kiss the American Republic goodbye.

“Once 20 million new, foreign nationals get the vote- one party state. Republicans never have a chance again.”

Chicago a WARZONE

Chicago a WARZONE

“This is the best example of racism there has ever been, outside of slavery, in this country,” says Bill O’Reilly .

Do-nothing Democrats have allowed Chicago to become a WARZONE yet have the nerve to criticize #OperationLegend? If BLM really cares, why aren’t they helping President Trump?

School Decide Election

School Decide Election

Bill O’Reilly explains the delicate balance of the 2020 election and how much President Trump’s fate depends on independent voters and schools reopening.

“Most voters are unaligned, they don’t have an emotional attachment to Donald Trump or Joe Biden.”

First Racist President?

First Racist President?

. @Bill O’Reilly responds to Joe Biden’s baseless and ignorant assertion that Donald Trump is “the first racist president.”

Plus, O’Reilly reveals the Democrats’ strategy to defeat Republicans in November and it begins with a new video featuring former President Barack Obama.

Re-open Schools

Re-open Schools

Bill O’Reilly says President Trump should “bring over” the ministers of education from the numerous European countries that have successfully reopened their schools. “That would make President Trump look like he’s being pro-active…”

Culture Wars

Culture Wars

A new poll surveyed 1,000 American adults on party affiliation, racial discrimination, the “black lives matter movement,” defunding police, and removing confederate statues.

@Bill O’Reilly breaks down the results!

“Traditional Americans, I think, show up very well in that ABC News, Washington Post poll.”

Kneeling During Anthem

Kneeling During Anthem

​ @Bill O’Reilly calls out San Francisco Giants GM Gabe Kapler for kneeling during the national anthem and the NFL for bending the knee to the social justice mob.

“That’s terribly disrespectful to American law enforcement and I’m gonna say I don’t like you anymore, National Football League.”

Media Enabling Dems

Media Enabling Dems

​Bill O’Reilly calls out CNN’s Jake Tapper for shamelessly attempting to blame President Trump for COVID-19 deaths in America.

He predicts that an effective coronavirus vaccine before the election will guarantee President Trump’s re-election.

Portland Mayor an Idiot

Portland Mayor an Idiot

After 54 days of rampant violence, President Trump deployed federal police to restore law & order in #Portland and somehow he’s the bad guy?

@Bill O’Reilly GOES OFF on the “idiot” Mayor, Ted Wheeler.

“A thousand people gathered at the federal courthouse and tried to set in on fire, last night!”

O’Reilly vs. Napolitano

O’Reilly vs. Napolitano

​Bill O’Reilly says his former colleague Judge Andrew Napolitano is WRONG on the legality of federal police in #Portland and cites the law:

“…can be invoked if state authorities are unable or fail or refuse to protect the rights, privileges, and immunities named in the constitution…”

Bill Defends Ellen

Bill Defends Ellen

​ @Bill O’Reilly says “there are no standards in journalism anymore” and Mediaite’s character assassination of “Ellen” is one case in point.

“Why would you ever print that?” Bill asks. “Why would you trash Ellen Degeneres’ reputation?”