Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News

Bill O’Reilly’s success in broadcasting and publishing is unmatched. The iconic anchor of “The O’Reilly Factor” led the program to the status of the highest-rated cable news broadcast in the nation for 16 consecutive years. He now brings the same unique analysis that vaulted him to the top and kept him there to his new program, “No Spin News.” No Spin. Just Facts. Always looking out for you. Watch Bill O’Reilly’s one-of-a-kind brand of news analysis right here on The First every weeknight at 8p ET.

Dems Want Mail-In Voting

Dems Want Mail-In Voting

Bill O’Reilly reveals the REAL reason Democrats are pushing so hard for mass-mail-in voting in November & the disastrous results in several states where it has been tried.

“The guy who knocks on the door is gonna make darn sure that ballot is filled out for the Democrats…”

The Coastal Exodus

The Coastal Exodus

Residents are fleeing the chaos of coastal cities IN DROVES & the stats are truly stunning. Bill O’Reilly predicts that New York City will lose 1.5 MILLION residents by this time next year.

“The law is not enforced, it’s not enforced! And that’s why the city’s falling apart.”

3 States Trump NEEDS

3 States Trump NEEDS

Bill O’Reilly reveals the 3 states that win President Trump four more years in the White House.

All three swing states are moving in Trump’s direction according to new polling by The Trafalgar Group, one of the only pollsters to predict the outcome of the 2016 election.

Send In The Troops!

Send In The Troops!

Bill O’Reilly urges President Trump to deploy the National Guard to #Portland without the governor and mayor’s request after conservative #JayBishop was executed in the street over the weekend.

“90 days of violent riots in Portland? That’s enough! President Trump has the right to call in the National Guard to stop it. Do it, Mr. President!”

Anarchists Giving Trump Win

Anarchists Giving Trump Win

Bill O’Reilly reveals the ONE ISSUE that “will win Donald Trump the election” but cautions him not to go “too far” with it.

“Social disorder may very well win Donald Trump the election… To demonize the police, defund the police is INSANE…”

Biden Wants POWER

Biden Wants POWER

Bill O’Reilly predicts Trump WILL deliver on his vaccine promise and agrees with him that Joe Biden is “a stooge” for the far left and has no core belief system, he just wants power.

“In my lifetime, this is the most important election…”

Bill’s “Main Beef” with Kamala

Bill’s “Main Beef” with Kamala

Bill O’Reilly reveals his “main beef” with Kamala Harris who says “believe all women” except for the ones that accuse Joe Biden, obviously. He plays the tape of her shameful persecution of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

“The FBI turned up NOT ONE piece of evidence to back up @BlaseyFord’s baseless accusations.”

Kamala The Marxist

Kamala The Marxist

Bill O’Reilly exposes Kamala Harris for her full-throated embrace of the “marxist” #BLM movement and explains why “her vision” of socialized medicine, which includes illegal immigrants, is doomed to fail.

“There are not enough wealthy, affluent people in the country to pay for it. Corporations are going to move overseas!”

White Privilege A Myth

White Privilege A Myth

Bill O’Reilly PROVES “white privilege” is “a myth” by outlining the SEVEN minority groups that out-earn white Americans. The top-earning ethnic group may surprise you.

“It’s all about money, not skin color!”

White Privilege Nonsense

White Privilege Nonsense

Bill O’Reilly reveals his self-censored response should anyone ever tell him to “check your privilege.”

“This white privilege nonsense is corrosive to the country because it creates another generation of victims.”

Ignorant People

Ignorant People

Bill O’Reilly plays Campus Reform’s video interviewing ignorant young people who claim America is a racist country but do not even know who we won our independence from.

“If you don’t know what the 4th of July is… you basically have no right to an opinion.”