Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News

Bill O’Reilly’s success in broadcasting and publishing is unmatched. The iconic anchor of “The O’Reilly Factor” led the program to the status of the highest-rated cable news broadcast in the nation for 16 consecutive years. He now brings the same unique analysis that vaulted him to the top and kept him there to his new program, “No Spin News.” No Spin. Just Facts. Always looking out for you. Watch Bill O’Reilly’s one-of-a-kind brand of news analysis right here on The First every weeknight at 8p ET.

Something Wrong w/Biden

Something Wrong w/Biden

President Trump is joining ABC for a town hall tonight but the Biden Campaign says they cannot fit 90 minutes into Joe Biden’s busy schedule.

“This PROVES to me that there’s something wrong with Mr. Biden!” – Bill O’Reilly

Challenge To Lebron

Challenge To Lebron

Bill O’Reilly plays the audio of the LA County Sheriff issuing a challenge to Lebron James regarding the GROWING reward for a tip leading to the arrest of the suspect who ambushed two LA County police officers:

“This challenge is to Lebron James…”

Bill DUNKS on Lebron

Bill DUNKS on Lebron

Bill O’Reilly BLASTS Lebron James for praising Colin Kaepernick and challenges him to a debate.

“This is insulting to every good American… I’ve lost all respect for Lebron James.”

LA Cops Shot

LA Cops Shot

Republicans and Democrats can finally agree on something as leaders from both parties denounce the heinous ambush of two LA County police officers.

Bill O’Reilly plays the video of the LA Mayor denouncing the radicals that wished death on the officers outside of the hospital.

NFL Ratings Tanking

NFL Ratings Tanking

The NFL’s viewership is TANKING, just as Bill O’Reilly predicted.

“The NFL, once the premiere entertainment vehicle in this nation, is getting badly hurt by injecting politics into game day.”

Bill Sets Woodward Straight

Bill Sets Woodward Straight

Bill O’Reilly sets Bob Woodward straight on President Trump’s record on COVID-19 & credits him with protecting Americans’ retirement:

“I didn’t feel deceived by President Trump. I saw him cut off flights from China and I saw him cut off flights from Europe.”

Bill & Stephen A. Smith

Bill & Stephen A. Smith

Bill O’Reilly is joined by Stephen A. Smith to debate “taking-a-knee” and discuss the recent trend of politics saturating the sports world.

But they agree that Colin Kaepernick has taken things too far and that the NFL should employ some “balance” to their social justice initiatives.

Fauci Defends Trump

Fauci Defends Trump

Bill O’Reilly plays part of Dr. Fauci’s interview in which he defends President @realDonaldTrump from the media’s latest attack.

Bill argues that Trump “playing it down” and the media’s charge of him lying are two COMPLETELY different things.

NFL To Lose Billions!

NFL To Lose Billions!

“Put your money where your knee is,” says Bill O’Reilly as he shares his prediction with Stephen A. Smith that the NFL is going to lose BILLIONS.

Bill contends that the NBA is in no better shape as they enter “MSNBC territory” with less than 2 million views of many playoff games.

Cuomo’s 6000 Deaths

Cuomo’s 6000 Deaths

Bill O’Reilly sets Gov. Andrew Cuomo straight after he tried to blame President Trump for his own failure on the COVID-19 pandemic.

“But the death toll in New York was LARGELY due to the nursing home situation.”

Bill reads the NY Health Department mandate that led to 6,000+ deaths.

Trump Won’t Nobel

Trump Won’t Nobel

A Norwegian politician nominated President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize but Bill O’Reilly says the far-left judges will NEVER give it to him.

“This has gotta t-off the New York Times and everybody else who hate Trump.”

Biden Believes in nothing

Biden Believes in nothing

Bill O’Reilly has a really simple question: “What does Joe Biden stand for?”

He plays the video of Biden proposing a national mask mandate 3 weeks ago… which he called unconstitutional 3 days ago.

Bill argues Biden “doesn’t believe in ANYTHING.”