Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News

Bill O’Reilly’s success in broadcasting and publishing is unmatched. The iconic anchor of “The O’Reilly Factor” led the program to the status of the highest-rated cable news broadcast in the nation for 16 consecutive years. He now brings the same unique analysis that vaulted him to the top and kept him there to his new program, “No Spin News.” No Spin. Just Facts. Always looking out for you. Watch Bill O’Reilly’s one-of-a-kind brand of news analysis right here on The First every weeknight at 8p ET.

SCOTUS Fight Gets Nasty

SCOTUS Fight Gets Nasty

President Trump is NOT going to back down and the fight over #SCOTUS is about to get NASTY, says Bill O’Reilly.

He argues that one of the two republicans who have dissented “is not a republican” and predicts which way Senator Mitt Romney will go.

CNN Let Biden Lie!

CNN Let Biden Lie!

Bill O’Reilly calls out CNN’s Anderson Cooper for allowing Joe Biden to claim EVERYONE who has died from COVID-19 would “still be alive” if not for President Trump.

“The moderator stands there and doesn’t say a word!… Is this the twilight zone?”

Supporting Our Police

Supporting Our Police

Bill O’Reilly cites the work of WSJ’s Jason Riley who says there is a far less sinister reason for police shootings than ‘cops-are-bad.’

Plus, Heritage Action’s Jessica Anderson shares the message going up on billboards across the USA: “You cannot have peace without the police.”

de Blasio Bankrupts NYC

de Blasio Bankrupts NYC

Bill O’Reilly says the “Communist” mayor of New York City has BANKRUPTED #NYC and buried it under a $9 BILLION deficit so de Blasio is furloughing of all city employees, including himself, to save $800K.

Bill argues that he should take a permanent leave to avoid hurting New York any further.

AOC: We Can Push Joe Left

AOC: We Can Push Joe Left

“AOC” told a reporter this week that “we can likely push Vice President Biden in a more progressive direction.” Bill O’Reilly explains what that means and the PROFOUND consequences it would have on the United States and the world.

“And you know what? She’s right.”

Biden Leaves His Basement!

Biden Leaves His Basement!

Bill O’Reilly went VIRAL for mocking Joe Biden over dodging ABC’s Town Hall. Biden is joining CNN tonight for the same kind of event.

Bill predicts that the 90 selected participants will have their questions pre-screened and likely shared with the Biden campaign.

CNN could not be reached for comment.

Wages Skyrocketed!

Wages Skyrocketed!

The U.S. median household income increased by A LOT in 2019 and the poverty rate went down by a whole point, according to U.S. Census Bureau.

“That is HUGE!… That is an enormous jump,” says Bill O’Reilly.

The Senior Vote is Key

The Senior Vote is Key

Bill O’Reilly reveals the ONE key voter demographic that is critical to President Trump’s re-election.

“That is a group Donald Trump has to target if he wants to be president four more years.”

Disapproval of USA

Disapproval of USA

A new poll of foreign countries reveals ALL-TIME disapproval of the #USA in many parts of the world but ONE nation polled by Pew Research still love America, Bill O’Reilly reports.

Can you guess which country hates us the most? The answer may surprise you!

CNN & Abraham Accords

CNN & Abraham Accords

Watch the video of CNN turning their #AbrahamAccords coverage into more COVID-19 criticisms of President Trump.

Ever wonder how the mainstream media coordinates their ultra-liberal agenda so uniformly? Bill O’Reilly breaks it down.

“Here’s how it goes down…”

Mid-East Peace Deal

Mid-East Peace Deal

President Trump hosted the historic signing of the #AbrahamAccords at the White House yesterday but you wouldn’t know it from watching the mainstream media.

“There’s no coverage,” Bill O’Reilly opines, “It’s so corrupt!”