Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News

Bill O’Reilly’s success in broadcasting and publishing is unmatched. The iconic anchor of “The O’Reilly Factor” led the program to the status of the highest-rated cable news broadcast in the nation for 16 consecutive years. He now brings the same unique analysis that vaulted him to the top and kept him there to his new program, “No Spin News.” No Spin. Just Facts. Always looking out for you. Watch Bill O’Reilly’s one-of-a-kind brand of news analysis right here on The First every weeknight at 8p ET.

Mailing In Voting Is Fraud

Mailing In Voting Is Fraud

Bill O’Reilly says the president’s concern over election fraud is well-founded. That’s why many developed countries have BANNED mail-in ballots. So why are 27 states pushing forward with it?

“The left-wing press doesn’t want you to know the truth that most countries know it’s fraud!”

Kaepernick HATES America

Kaepernick HATES America

Colin Kaepernick “HATES this country,” says Bill O’Reilly and his recent tweet about police is all the evidence you need to see that.

Bill humbles Lebron James amid his #BreonnaTaylor comments: “There was no verdict, Mr. James… I know you don’t know that because you don’t know much!”

Sarah Huckabee Sanders 1

Sarah Huckabee Sanders 1

The one and only Sarah Huckabee Sanders tells Bill O’Reilly how she handled the barrage of personal attacks as White House Press Secretary for two years.

“Definitely didn’t like it but in many ways, it emboldened us to fight back, keep going, and call out their hypocrisy even more.”

Trump Takes Lead in Polls

Trump Takes Lead in Polls

Two new polls show President Trump has taken the lead in the key battleground states of #Florida and #Arizona but that doesn’t mean anything right now, says Bill O’Reilly.

“Because no polls mean anything until this time next week after the first debate.”

Alyssa Milano Calls Cops!

Alyssa Milano Calls Cops!

Alyssa Milano is fond of the leftist, anti-police agenda which is why it is ironic that she called the cops on a kid with an “airgun.”

“She is a vicious human being,” Bill O’Reilly says. “I don’t have any regard for this person at all.”

Chelsea Clinton vs. Trump

Chelsea Clinton vs. Trump

“The Democrat Party is worried, VERY worried about Joe Biden and losing the election,” says Bill O’Reilly.

So they brought in… Chelsea Clinton? Watch her shamelessly push the Democrat talking points on The View to demonize President Trump.

Radical Left’s Agenda

Radical Left’s Agenda

The first debate will take place one week from tonight. If Biden “falters,” Trump wins and if Biden wins “the country’s in trouble,” says Bill O’Reilly.

He plays the video of CNN’s Don Lemon presenting the radical Left’s agenda saying, “We’re gonna have to blow up the entire system… get rid of the electoral college.”

“restorative justice”

“restorative justice”

Bill O’Reilly breaks down the INSANITY of the far-left’s push for “restorative justice” as the policy ravages inner-cities to the point that mail carriers can’t even go into certain neighborhoods.

“I don’t know how you ‘restore’ the murder of a 10-year old girl!”

NFL Ratings Drop

NFL Ratings Drop

NFL ratings are down “across the board” again this week and the Emmy’s received just HALF the audience they did in 2010, Bill O’Reilly reports.

“Every football telecast is down… this is an indicator that the television entertainment industry is done… TV is OVER.”

No Spin News

Amy Coney Barrett at WH

Amy Coney Barrett at WH

Judge Amy Coney Barrett visits the White House and Senator Romney indicates his support for holding a vote to fill #RBG’s vacancy, as Bill O’Reilly predicted yesterday.

He says republicans appear to have enough votes to confirm her but Speaker Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will raise heaven and Earth to stop it.

AOC Is A Communist

AOC Is A Communist

Bill O’Reilly calls AOC “a communist” and translates the REAL message she is sending to her supporters.

He plays the video of her telling her leftist fans that voting for Joe Biden is not about him but about “keeping our democracy alive to fight another day.”