Bill O'Reilly: No Spin News

Bill O’Reilly’s success in broadcasting and publishing is unmatched. The iconic anchor of “The O’Reilly Factor” led the program to the status of the highest-rated cable news broadcast in the nation for 16 consecutive years. He now brings the same unique analysis that vaulted him to the top and kept him there to his new program, “No Spin News.” No Spin. Just Facts. Always looking out for you. Watch Bill O’Reilly’s one-of-a-kind brand of news analysis right here on The First every weeknight at 8p ET.

Proud Boys vs. ANTIFA

Proud Boys vs. ANTIFA

The false moral equivalency being made between the far-right and the far-left is “mind-boggling,” says Bill O’Reilly.

He put his researchers on it and the data backs it up: TEN arrests over three years versus TEN THOUSAND arrests over the same time period.

Leaking Trump’s Tax Returns

Leaking Trump’s Tax Returns

Whoever leaked President Trump’s tax returns to New York Times committed a FELONY but they won’t be punished, says Bill O’Reilly.

“You can’t take someone’s tax stuff and give it to the press!… we have privacy laws but they’re not enforced!”

BLM Scrubs Website

BLM Scrubs Website

Bill O’Reilly broke the story about the three founders of #BLM being self-proclaimed Marxists. They have since REMOVED that info and their anti-family beliefs from their website.

Plus, Bill calls out a BLM activist who is openly calling for violence.

NBC Inciting Violence

NBC Inciting Violence

Bill O’Reilly calls NBC “the most grossly irresponsible news agency on television,” alleging that they “incite violence” by race-baiting to their far-left audience which puts police officers’ lives at risk.

He’s got the footage to back it up and argues that MSNBC is even worse than “Fake News” CNN, on race at least.