America is under attack | Jesse Kelly
America is under attack | Jesse Kelly
“The United States of America, the beacon of freedom, the most powerful nation on Earth – can’t put down a little rebellion within it’s borders?”
The truth about the “historical” California wildfires
The truth about the “historical” California wildfires
“These claims aren’t true at all!… everyone is lying to you all of the time especially when it comes to the fires.”
Chelsea Clinton attacks Trump, Kamala Harris lies to America | Bill O’Reilly
Chelsea Clinton attacks Trump, Kamala Harris lies to America | Bill O’Reilly
“Harris knows this and lies right to your face… When I hear this stuff, I get angry.”
Kyle Rittenhouse vindicated by new footage | Buck Sexton
Kyle Rittenhouse vindicated by new footage | Buck Sexton
“So, you got a convicted child molester who’s starting fires… a bunch of of shots ring out likely at Rittenhouse, someone’s firing at him…”
Biden-Burisma report exposes the Left’s hypocrisy | Jesse Kelly
Biden-Burisma report exposes the Left’s hypocrisy | Jesse Kelly
“This is dirty money and if this was Donald Trump’s kids, this would be the end of the Donald Trump presidency.”
The Left will stop at nothing | Jesse Kelly
The Left will stop at nothing | Jesse Kelly
“Without a second thought, they would rip your life apart. And they would laugh while they did it.”
Are some states making election fraud easier?
Are some states making election fraud easier?
He told Dana that the Republican Senate should confirm the president’s nominee before Election Day because it may be their only chance.
Trump has the votes in the Senate | Buck Sexton
Trump has the votes in the Senate | Buck Sexton
“Democrats were on the opposing side of the table in 2016!”
Kamala Harris’ Kavanaugh interrogation provides glimpse into new SCOTUS hearings | Mike Slater
Kamala Harris’ Kavanaugh interrogation provides glimpse into new SCOTUS hearings | Mike Slater
Slater played part of her interrogation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to prove this point adding, “Who talks to another adult like that?”
CNN host: “If Joe Biden wins, Democrats can sack the courts”
CNN host: “If Joe Biden wins, Democrats can sack the courts”
“We’re gonna have to blow up the entire system… get rid of the electoral college…”
NFL ratings drop – Is this the end for the TV industry? | Bill O’Reilly
NFL ratings drop – Is this the end for the TV industry? | Bill O’Reilly
“Every football telecast is down… This is an indicator that the television entertainment industry is done.”
Justice Ginsburg Was “Ms. Abortion” | Bill O’Reilly
Justice Ginsburg Was “Ms. Abortion” | Bill O’Reilly
He exposed the liberal threat to “stack” the Supreme Court but emphasized that President Trump will not back down and profiled his likely nominee.