Search Results for: politics by faith

PALM SUNDAY: On Proper Authority | Steve Berman

PALM SUNDAY: On Proper Authority | Steve Berman

One question I’ve seen among casual fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendarium is why the Valar, highest of the Ainur, Eru Ilúvatar’s “angelic” creations, would not intervene in the War of the Rings. I smell some high geekdom about to happen, but I want to chat about authority for a minute. Not just authority, but proper authority. Tolkien …

ISRAEL’S WARNING: “The Abyss is at our Fingertips” | Steve Berman

ISRAEL’S WARNING: “The Abyss is at our Fingertips” | Steve Berman

If you want a glimpse of a country with its unpopular leader the defendant in a seemingly endless corruption trial, remaking his nation’s judiciary under the influence of extremists who wish to shape the government and the state to serve their own ends, don’t look to the U.S. in 2024 and the nightmare second term of Donald J. …

HE GETS US: A Galaxy of Cash Behind Jesus Videos

HE GETS US: A Galaxy of Cash Behind Jesus Videos

There is an ad campaign called “He Gets Us” consisting of short videos relating Jesus Christ to our daily human lives. It covers topics like “Jesus was a refugee”, “was Jesus’ family perfect?”, “Did Jesus really struggle as I do?”, “Was Jesus ever lonely”, “Did Jesus face criticism?” and others. Each video is paired with …

EVACUATE: The House of Trump is Falling | Steve Berman

EVACUATE: The House of Trump is Falling | Steve Berman

In Georgia, more votes were cast in yesterday’s Senate runoff than in the 2020 general election where Donald Trump told the states’ top officials to “find me 12,000 votes.” The sane rose up against the insanity and—by just under 100,000 votes—toppled that wall Trump built.  Thus the chant from the opponents of Trump from the …

CRAZY PILLS: Meet the New Face of Conservative Republican | Steve Berman

CRAZY PILLS: Meet the New Face of Conservative Republican | Steve Berman

It didn’t take long for a reporter to find Aaron Brink, the 48 year-old father of the shooter who killed five at Club Q in Colorado Springs. And the guy is totally nuts. He’s clearly on something, probably meth. But he’s a “conservative Republican” who’s glad his mass murderer son isn’t gay. “I became a porno …

HOUSE OF THE BRANDON: Biden to Deliver Another Prime Time Speech About ‘Threat to Democracy’

HOUSE OF THE BRANDON: Biden to Deliver Another Prime Time Speech About ‘Threat to Democracy’

President Biden will make an unscheduled speech near the US Capitol Wednesday night to discuss the “threats to Democracy” posed by the 2022 midterm election. From Fox News: President Biden will deliver remarks on “preserving and protecting our democracy” at a Democratic National Committee event in Washington, D.C., White House officials and the DNC said Wednesday.  …

BOO! 7 Ghouls For a Halloween Hater | Steve Berman

BOO! 7 Ghouls For a Halloween Hater | Steve Berman

You like the movie “Aliens”? I do. Besides masterful performances from heroine Sigourney Weaver as Ripley, the late Bill Paxton (Hudson), Michael Biehn (Hicks), Lance Henriksen (Bishop, the “synthetic life form”), Paul Reiser (Burke)—and the rest of the cast—and being one of the few examples of a movie sequel that’s better than its original (“The …

LESSONS: 1202 Fahrenheit and Why We Don’t Learn | Steve Berman

LESSONS: 1202 Fahrenheit and Why We Don’t Learn | Steve Berman

Some lessons are quicker than others. It took Americans two hours and four minutes to learn. That’s the time separating American Airlines flight 11 takeoff from Boston and the crash of flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. We learned that hijackers can’t be assumed to offer a bargain for the lives of passengers. And now it’s …