Businessman Elon Musk weighed-in Friday morning on the progressive meltdown following his purchase of social media platform Twitter, simply stating the “Far Left hates themselves” and everyone else.
“The far left hates everyone, themselves included!” posted Musk.
“But I’m no fan of the far right either. Let’s have less hate and more love,” he added.
Musk purchased the platform last week for $43 billion.
Congressman Adam Schiff faced a fierce backlash on Twitter Wednesday after suggesting Elon Musk will promote “disinformation” on Twitter.
The prominent Democrat previously spewed the Russia-Trump collusion conspiracy theory across social media for two years without any accountability.
“Here’s my take on the world’s richest man buying Twitter: He makes a great car and rocket. But I’m concerned his personal views will stop the fight against disinformation on social media. The problem on Twitter hasn’t been too much content moderation – it’s too much hate,” claimed the Representative from California.