The Founders based this country and our freedoms on faith. And for good reason. Need some comfort, looking for a timeless pick-me-up? We have some great resources to help you grow your faith and find a little rest.
The Founders based this country and our freedoms on faith. And for good reason. Need some comfort, looking for a timeless pick-me-up? We have some great resources to help you grow your faith and find a little rest.
Dear “Evangelicals for Harris,” who have become drones, emotionally invested in Kamala’s campaign: I understand that some politicians—ex-Republicans (or soon-to-be-ex) like Adam Kinzinger and Geoff Duncan—really believe that the best path foward for the GOP is to side with Democrats for a cycle or two. These people have no future in the GOP, despite the …
This got almost no press: almost exactly a year ago, the Albemarle County Commonwealth Attorney’s Office issued a news release that unsealed three indictments against the “tiki torch” marchers in Charlottesville, Virginia, who chanted “Jews will not replace us” at a “Unite the Right” rally. They were charged with “a single count of burning an object …
If I were writing an episode of “How Not to Evangelize,” I’d point you to the man in the video selling Bibles. Get yours, because it’s got the Pledge of Allegiance, the Constitution, and probably the lyrics to “I’m Proud to be an American” in its pages. “Sales, Mr. McGill, sales! And what do I sell? …
If you read the national news sources today, you’d undoubtedly come away believing that the Catholic Church just made a giant turn toward progressivism, allowing priests to bless same-sex unions. Nothing of the sort has occurred. Rather, what you’re seeing is the ignorance and internal bias confirmation of the people reporting it. Here’s what happened. …
Let’s take a detour from politics and war. But this might be the most controversial thing I publish all year. And it’s long, because I could write 10,000 words on why I hate Halloween (don’t worry, it’s not 10,000 words). Over the past few years, I broke down and participated in Halloween. I dressed up …
Best-selling author and megachurch pastor Rick Warren has repented of keeping women out of ministry, and the Southern Baptist Convention is roiling over it. But so far, they refuse to take a strong stance against their history of unbridled support for Donald Trump. That was one of the themes of the last SBC meeting in Nashville, but …
On February 19, 1999, I was driving home from a local talent show I didn’t want to attend. I flew home early from a business trip to Denver because I wasn’t feeling well. One of my employees invited me to the talent show and I didn’t know why I said yes. They played Christian music. …
One question I’ve seen among casual fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendarium is why the Valar, highest of the Ainur, Eru Ilúvatar’s “angelic” creations, would not intervene in the War of the Rings. I smell some high geekdom about to happen, but I want to chat about authority for a minute. Not just authority, but proper authority. Tolkien …
The third rail of American Christian division is talking about Holy Spirit revival of the kind that Asbury University experienced recently, and according to the school’s administration, ends today. It’s been all over the news, and many evangelicals have weighed in on the events at Asbury, that started with a chapel service, and extended for weeks as …
There is an ad campaign called “He Gets Us” consisting of short videos relating Jesus Christ to our daily human lives. It covers topics like “Jesus was a refugee”, “was Jesus’ family perfect?”, “Did Jesus really struggle as I do?”, “Was Jesus ever lonely”, “Did Jesus face criticism?” and others. Each video is paired with …
The Senate is set to pass the Respect for Marriage Act Tuesday. A bipartisan amendment with “commonsense language” to add stronger Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) protections survived a filibuster vote Monday. The amendment was sponsored by a mix of Republicans and Democrats including Sens. Susan Collins, Tammy Baldwin, Krysten Sinema, Thom Tillis, and Ron Portman. Once passed by …
You like the movie “Aliens”? I do. Besides masterful performances from heroine Sigourney Weaver as Ripley, the late Bill Paxton (Hudson), Michael Biehn (Hicks), Lance Henriksen (Bishop, the “synthetic life form”), Paul Reiser (Burke)—and the rest of the cast—and being one of the few examples of a movie sequel that’s better than its original (“The …