
The First is all about ideas, conversations, curiosity, and most of all freedom. To that end, we publish a plethora of content from both our own writers and outside contributors. We focus especially on real people, with real jobs, and real opinions, not the blather you see repeated on cable news.

We are not beholden to one person, party, or partisan agenda. We call it like we see it, and we want to bring you those who do the same.

So click below to read some of the premiere content from some of our contributors. Don’t like what they have to say? Have a question? Email them, or contact us at ideas@thefirsttv.com.

ISIS: Putin Ain’t So “Bad” | Steve Berman

ISIS: Putin Ain’t So “Bad” | Steve Berman

Russian wannabe-tsar Vladimir Putin continues to insist that the massacre at Crocus City Hall which killed at least 137 (up to 143 depending on the news source) concert-goers is linked to Ukraine. He has instructed Russian and Russia-funded media to play up possible “traces” of “Ukrainian involvement” in the shootings. Four men have been arrested …

THE TAKING: New York May Seize Trump Assets, Suspend the Constitution | Steve Berman

THE TAKING: New York May Seize Trump Assets, Suspend the Constitution | Steve Berman

The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution states that “In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of …

STABBED IN COLORADO: Ken Buck Knives Boebert on the Way Out | Steve Berman

STABBED IN COLORADO: Ken Buck Knives Boebert on the Way Out | Steve Berman

When Republican Rep. Ken Buck announced that he’s leaving Congress at the end of his term, that left a hole in the Colorado delegation. Buck represents the 4th Congressional District in a very divided state, dominated by Democrats in the big cities, but also a strong cowboy–liberty–population in the rural parts. Rep. Lauren Boebert represents …

FEISTY! Six Days of Prep, a Handful of Pills and an Hour of Biden Lies | Steve Berman

FEISTY! Six Days of Prep, a Handful of Pills and an Hour of Biden Lies | Steve Berman

The truest thing President Joe Biden said last night in his (final?) State of the Union address was his first line, “if I was smart, I’d go home now.” Joe should have gone home. First, I’ll get the faint praise out of the way. He managed to make it through the speech with a minimal …

GAG ME: Trump Gags Trash First Amendment | Steve Berman

GAG ME: Trump Gags Trash First Amendment | Steve Berman

In the worst possible prosecution of Donald Trump, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg spent a year spinning the thinnest of webs dealing with “hush money” paid to Stormy Daniels over an affair that took place almost two decades ago. No other prosecutor, despite having spent two years looking at the facts, would touch the case, …

HAIL HYDRA: It’s Time for FISA to Die | Steve Berman

HAIL HYDRA: It’s Time for FISA to Die | Steve Berman

Some members of Congress are trying hard, playing political games with scare tactics, to save FISA and Section 702. It’s not worth saving. In fact, FISA is the current apogee of weaponized intelligence, and the closest thing to a national omniopticon we, or any nation (China excepted), has ever had—a digital, all-seeing-eye controlled by a power we didn’t …

STOP IT! | Steve Berman

STOP IT! | Steve Berman

Vladimir Putin likely ordered the death of Aleksei Navalny, his one-time political opponent who was languishing in a high security Russian prison above the Arctic Circle. I mean, we can’t prove it, except by whatever intel we get by the same people who collect intel on the Trump campaign. But we know Putin’s enemies, and …

TRUMP TO RUSSIA: “Do Whatever the Hell They Want” | Steve Berman

TRUMP TO RUSSIA: “Do Whatever the Hell They Want” | Steve Berman

After the sugar rush hangover of sweet sweet Taylor Swift and her boo Travis Kelce celebrating the Chiefs repeat as Super Bowl champs (where was the Biden endorsement?), we must remember that this is an election year, where two elderly men are set to engage in rhetorical combat. One of them needs a nanny, and …