Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ripped Democrats and other progressive politicians who call for COVID mandates but fly to Florida for some rest and relaxation.
“If I had a dollar for every lockdown politician who decided to escape to Florida over the last two years, I’d be a pretty doggone wealthy man, let me tell you,” DeSantis joked. “I mean, congresspeople, mayors, governors, I mean you name it.”
“It’s interesting the reception that some of these folks will get in Florida,” the governor continued, “because I think a lot of Floridians say wait a minute you’re bashing us because we’re not doing your draconian policies, and yet we’re the first place you want to flee to, to basically to be able to enjoy life.”
“There are probably about a half dozen governors who had restrictions on their people and then were spotted at various points in Florida. Some of it’s been public, some of it‘s not been public, but you know people tell me these things,” he said.
Read the full report at Fox News.