Steve Berman

Opinion Contributor

Steve Berman is a transplanted northerner living in the Atlanta area. For over 30 years, Steve has been a technology entrepreneur, creating, building, and selling businesses. Steve has been writing about politics and social issues for nearly a decade. It started with a “diary" on RedState, and quickly moved on to professional writing. He has written for other well-known web publications and was one of the original writers who helped Erick Erickson launch The Resurgent in 2016.

Steve’s work has been published by Fox News, and he has been cited on the New York Times opinion page, and quoted by the Washington Post. He is excited to be involved with the latest project, The First, as an opinion writer.

A Jewish believer in Christ, Steve lives and worships with his family in the Atlanta suburbs, after moving to central Georgia from New Hampshire over 28 years ago.

Unity, Australian style

Unity, Australian style

Nothing like the last election cycle and this one highlight the fact that America’s national motto of “e pluribus unum” should be “e pluribus duo.” Instead of “out of many, one,” in practical operation, we live under “out of many, two.”