Anna Zeigler
Opinion Contributor
Anna is a writer and an adjunct instructor, which allows her to teach part-time and mother full-time. She lives in Louisiana with her husband and their two young children. You can find her on Twitter @ajzeigler.
Anna is a writer and an adjunct instructor, which allows her to teach part-time and mother full-time. She lives in Louisiana with her husband and their two young children. You can find her on Twitter @ajzeigler.
As Omicron barrels through much of the United States, including blue states with high vaccination rates and mask enthusiasts, the rules are changing.
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: “God is not dead, nor doth He sleep”
In August of 2005, I was set to begin my second and final year of graduate school. Days before the semester began I received a call from one of my professors. The department needed someone to teach a Small Group Communication course. Was I interested? I was certainly interested in a little more cash flow. …
I am not your Governor. I am not part of the pharmaceutical industry. I am a lifelong Louisiana resident who is heartsick over the ravages of this virus.
I do not think it is too much for a parent to demand to know more of a literature teacher’s worldview. It is the lens via which she will spend months exploring all manner of issues with their minor child.
A government that is serious about the future of this nation will take seriously the role of the family unit and implement policies that encourage family ties.
It is unhelpful to insist people view the world via a racial lens unless your goal is a world further divided along racial lines.
We can only begin to find our way back by acknowledging and embracing what our very bodies dictate: men and women are different.
Time has been good to DeSantis. Many of the decisions he made, decisions for which he took a tremendous beating from the national media, have been validated
It is difficult to square Biden’s calls for unity with an Executive Order that squarely takes aim at half the US population.
Neither the GOP nor America can afford politicians or an electorate blindly groping along in the darkness in the shadow of Donald Trump.
Thank you, Luke, for the life you lived; thank you for your friendship, your leadership, for lending your voice to the voiceless in Louisiana.